Lower body workout
Shoulder Bridge

and lower right leg three more times before lowering hips. Repeat on opposite
side to complete one rep
Lie face-up, knees bent, feet flat, arms at
sides. Draw abs up and in, then lift hips until torso forms a straight line
from shoulders to knees. Then lift right leg straight up, toes pointed [A].
Stay lifted and exhale , lowering leg to align with torso [B]. Lift and lower
right leg three more times before lowering hips. Repeat on opposite side to
complete one rep. To progress: add one rep per week.
Sick kick

for five reps, then, hovering left leg, make five small, clockwise, then
counterclockwise, circles [not shown].
Lie on right side with legs extended in
front of you at a 45 degree angle to torso, right elbow on mat and both hands
behind head. Draw abs up and in, inhale, lift left leg slightly and extend it
forward, foot flexed, pulsing twice [A]. Exhale, and extend left leg behind
you, engaging buttocks, toes pointed, to complete one rep [B]. Repeat for five
reps, then, hovering left leg, make five small, clockwise, then
counterclockwise, circles [not shown]. Repeat sequence on opposite side. To
progress: add one rep to both the side kick and leg circles on each leg per
Wall chair

position for three counts then slide back up wall. Repeat for three more reps
Stand with back against a wall, then walk
feet forward about one metre, hip-width apart, arms at sides. Draw abs in and
up [A]. Exhale and lift arms to chest height as you slide down the wall until
thighs are parallel to floor, knees over ankles [B]. Hold position for three
counts then slide back up wall. Repeat for three more reps. To progress: add
two to three more counts per week.
Lower-body Pilates
Your problem zone
Bottom-heavy lower body, thick thighs YOUR
GOAL To get slimmer thighs, a firmer butt, sleeker hips
The 10-20-30 promise, your lower body is
working against constant resistance as you perform these exercises which boost
strength and endurance in your hamstrings, quadriceps, buttocks, upper hips and
inner thighs. "By about session 20, you'll notice your rear is
higher," Ungaro says. "By the end, your legs will look longer and
your silhouette from waist down will be shapelier."
Cardio Run or walk on a steep incline
(uphill if outside, or on at least a 4 percent incline on a treadmill or
elliptical trainer) or work at a high resistance on a stair climber. You can
also try activities such as inline skating or cross-country skiing to slim your
inner thighs and upper hips.
Upper body workout
Triceps overhead press

bending elbows, and repeat six times total. To progress: add one rep per week.
Sit cross-legged on mat, knees lowered
toward floor. Holding a 1-2 kilo dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, reach
arms overhead, upper arms close to ears. Draw abs up and in, then bend elbows,
lowering dumbbells behind head. [A]. Inhale to prepare, then exhale as you
straighten elbows [B]. Inhale, bending elbows, and repeat six times total. To
progress: add one rep per week.

bend arms and exhale as you switch, completing one rep. Continue to alternate
arms for six reps
Stand with feet hip-width apart holding a 1
kilo dumbbell in each hand. Bend knees and hinge forward until torso is
parallel to floor. Bend elbows, bringing dumbbells up toward armpits [A].
Exhale and extend right arm forward, palm down, and left arm back, palm up [B].
Inhale, bend arms and exhale as you switch, completing one rep. Continue to
alternate arms for six reps. When you finish, round spine and hang head and
arms toward floor to stretch your back. To progress: add one rep per week.
Plates push-up

and straighten arms and repeat push-up for three more reps to complete one set.
Stand at the back of mat, feet together.
Bring chin to chest then roll down, knees slightly bent, bringing hands to
floor [A]. Walk hands forward until body forms a straight line from head to
ankles, wrists in line with shoulders. Lower knees to mat if necessary, then
inhale for three counts as you lower torso toward mat, elbows close to sides
and abs contracted [B]. Exhale and straighten arms and repeat push-up for three
more reps to complete one set. Walk hands back and roll up to a standing
position and repeat twice more for three sets total. To progress: add one set
per week.
Upper-body Pilates
Your problem zone
Weak shoulders, back and arms; overall lack
of muscle tone and definition in upper body
Your goal to get a strong, sculpted look
above the waist
The 10-20-30 Promise by extending and
reaching in these exercises, you strengthen your arms and sculpt your shoulders
and back. These moves challenge your triceps, chest, shoulders and back
muscles. "By about the 10th to 15th session, you'll see more definition in
your shoulders and arms," Ungaro says.
"By session 20, the chest opens and
the physique becomes more balanced."
Cardio Choose cardio machines that work the
arms, such as a dual-action elliptical trainer, climber or rowing machine.
Swimming, boxing and martial arts are also ideal exercises.