Want to try Pilates but not sure where to
start? This workout will fulfill the transformative promise of Pilates and
produce visible results - FAST! It won't just give you a sleek, strong core -
it will also tone your thighs and butt as well as sculpt your arms and back.
The main moves
Winter is here and that means jeans weather.
Transforming your body into a slimmer, shapelier silhouette is easy with this
workout - based on The Pilates Promise (DK Publishing) by certified Pilates
instructor Alycea Ungaro. You should see dramatic results in just six weeks.
At the program's core are five fundamental
Pilates moves that strengthen and trim your torso. "People notice their
waists get smaller almost immediately," says Ungaro.
Then, you choose a goal, such as to
streamline your bottom or strengthen and define a weak upper body, and add
three moves targeting that trouble zone.
Stick with our program, and you too could realize
the promise of the discipline's founder, Joseph Pilates. In 10 sessions you'll
feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference and in 30
sessions you'll have a whole new body. Who can pass up a pledge like that?
Lie knees bent and aligned over hips,
calves parallel to floor, toes pointed, arms at sides. Draw abs in and up, then
curl head and shoulders off mat, arms hovering above mat, palms down [A].
Extend legs at a 45-degree angle to the floor and pump arms up and down
vigorously [B], inhaling for five counts and exhaling for five counts to
complete one rep. Bend knees in, lower torso and repeat for recommended reps.

knees in, lower torso and repeat for recommended reps.
Lower-body variation: squeeze a 45cm
stability ball between ankles throughout move.
Upper-body variation: squeeze a 45cm ball
in hands over thighs as you pump
Roll up

the action, curling back onto mat and bending knees as your lower back touches
the mat, and repeat.
Lie face-up, legs together, knees bent,
heels pressed into mat, feet flexed. Place hands behind thighs; inhale, drawing
abs in and up as you lift head and shoulders off mat. Continue to curl upward,
as if peeling your spine off the mat [A]. Exhale as you round forward over
legs, straightening knees while keeping feet flexed and hands still behind your
thighs [B]. Reverse the action, curling back onto mat and bending knees as your
lower back touches the mat, and repeat.
Single-leg stretch

each of these moves according to the Beginner of Elite in the New Body Plan
(opposite page)
Lie face-up, knees drawn into chest, legs
together, arms resting at sides. Draw abs up and in, then lift head and
shoulders off mat. Inhale and grasp right knee with left hand and lower right
shin with right hand as you extend left leg at a 45 degree angle to the floor
(or lower if you can keep your back on mat and abs engaged) [A]. Stay lifted
and switch legs and hands [B] to complete one rep. Repeat, exhaling with the
next rep.
Double-leg stretch

sweep arms out to sides, then bend knees, returning hands to starting position,
and repeat
Lie face-up, knees drawn into chest. Draw
abs up and in and lift head and shoulders off mat, then touch lower shins [A].
Inhale, reaching arms back and overhead as you extend legs at a 45 degree angle
to the floor [B]. Exhale, sweep arms out to sides, then bend knees, returning
hands to starting position, and repeat. Upper-body/lower body variation:
squeeze a 45cm ball with hands or between ankles throughout exercise.
Spine stretch forward

and uncurl torso and head to an erect position. Repeat for reps
Sit tall, legs straight. Reach arms in
front of you at chest height, palms down, flexing feet, pressing heels forward
[A]. Inhale, then exhale, pulling abs in and up as you round head and spine
forward (don't bend forward from your hips) [B]. Inhale and uncurl torso and
head to an erect position. Repeat for reps. Upper-body variation: squeeze a
45cm ball in hands, arms extended
The new body plan
Schedule Six weeks, five days a week
Warm-up Begin with five minutes of
exercises such as side-to-side lunges, shoulder rolls and arm circles.
Beginner If you've never done Pilates
before, perform only the 5 Main Moves for the first week, doing five reps of
Move 1 and three to five reps of Moves 2-5. In weeks two to six add one rep to
each Main Move as well as one move per week from the goal-specific program of
your choice.
Elite if you've practised Pilates at least
twice a week for the past three months, do the five Main Moves plus the three
for your goal. Begin with 10 reps of Main Move One and six to eight reps of
Main Moves 2-5 in week one, adding one rep per move in weeks two to six.
Progress makes perfect in weeks five and
six, continue this program without stopping to rest between moves. After six
weeks, cut back to two or three Pilates sessions a week, add one traditional
strength training workout for four to six weeks, then return to this program.
Cool-down End each workout with a Wall
Roll-Down: stand with your head, back and arms flat against a wall and gently
peel yourself off, dropping forward, arms and head hanging down, then roll back
up. Repeat three or four times
Cardio Get 30-45 minutes of cardio three to
five days a week, varying the intensity and using the Cardio Ideas specific to
different body types and provided with each program on the following pages