Improve your balance and work your
abs harder than ever with this plank variation
Plank with knee bend
All plank exercises are great for
strengthening your abs and core, but when you draw your knee into your chest,
you’ll feel your abs engage even more because your body’s less stable as you
balance on one leg.

with knee bend
How to do it
Start in push-up position with your hands on the
floor directly beneath your shoulders and legs behind you so you’re balancing
on the balls of your feet.
Keeping your body in a straight line, contract
your abdominal muscles, then slowly draw your right knee forward as far as is
comfortably possible.
Return to the start; repeat with the left leg.
Continue, alternating legs, for 45 seconds.
Make it harder
Bend your elbows (so you’re doing a
press-up) as you bring your right knee out to the side and towards your elbow,
trying to touch it. Repeat with the other leg.

with the other leg.
Make it easier
If you can’t keep your body in a straight
line and start losing form, rest your hands on a higher platform such as a
bench or chair to take some pressure off your abs and shoulders.