The following foods will help you prevent
lung cancer.
1. Green tea
Green tea contains catechin that can
eliminate radioactive substance out of body. In addition, the researches in
laboratory showed that polyphenols extracted from green tea can prevent the
development of cancer cells. Among people that smoke cigarette, the people that
smoke cigarette have the risk of lung cancer 12 times than people drink at
least 1 cup of green tea every day.
2. Carrot

is very good for eyesight and limits the development of cancer cells.
Carrot contains beta-carotene – one
pre-substance of vitamin A, so it is very good for your eyesight. In addition,
beta-carotene in carrot can help you limit the development of cancer cells,
reduce the risk of catching cancers such as lung, stomach, bowel, prostate and
3. Honey and royal jelly

can improve metabolism, intensify the immune system for body, improve the
function of creating blood and restoring cells.
Honey can improve metabolism, intensify the
immune system for body, improve the function of creating blood and restoring
cells. Royal jelly contains an amount of special lactic acid that can prevent
and cure cancerous tumors, including tumor in lung and reduce the risk of lung
4. Filed mushroom
Filed mushroom contains a lot of polysaccharide
and interferon inducer immune substance that can inhibit the tumor. Field
mushroom has the certain medical effect to stomach cancer, gullet cancer, lung
cancer and cervical cancer.
5. Kinds of grain
Salmon can improve the resistance for body,
it can inhibit cancer cell. It also has effect in reducing the symptoms such as
dried mouth. To patients that have ulcerated mouth nosebleed shouldn’t eat.
Kinds of salted dry apricot have effect in preventing cancer due to the ability
of inhibiting the development of cancer cell, including lung cancer.
6. Cabbage

and broccoli… are considered very good for patients that have cancer.
The compounds that exist in cabbage (such
as cauliflower, broccoli, cress) are considered very good for patients that
have cancer. The reason is that cabbage contains a substance that is called isothiocyanates
– it has effect in protecting and preventing lung cancer.
7. Foods that contain useful fats
Fat can improve the process of absorbing
nutrients of body. It also prevent the process of losing weight that isn’t paid
attention to patients catching lung cancer. The US National Center Institute
recommended that we should use peanut, peanut butter with kinds of grain or add
them to salad, grain or yoghurt. The source of useful fats includes: olive oil,
canola oil, peanut oil, butter and olive…
In conclusion, to prevent lung cancer
effectively, besides the suitable diet, you should regularly exercise to intensify
resistance and the ability of preventing diseases.