Some small important secrets will help you
feel comfortable during 9 months of pregnancy.
Becoming pregnant is one the most wonderful
and interesting period of women’s life. However, some problems that you will
meet in pregnancy can make pregnancy become harder. Therefore, pregnant women
shouldn’t use any kind of medicine, so they often find the natural methods to
feel more comfortable in pregnancy.
Mothers can refer to the good methods to be
healthy during 9 months of pregnancy.
The first 3 months
This symptom affects 90% pregnant women in
the first 3 months of pregnancy.

and vomiting take place in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Researchers showed that nauseating and
vomiting are the results of changing of hormones in the first period of
pregnancy. The increasing of hormones in body will make pregnant women have the
feeling of nauseating.
Many researches showed that providing
vitamin B6 or adding ginger in daily diet will reduce the symptoms of
nauseating and vomiting.
Moreover, women should eat many small meals
in day and spend time to take a rest temperately to reduce tiredness and
nauseating more.
fungus in vagina
This disease that is popular in vagina in
the first 3 months of pregnancy is catching Candida fungus, catching yeast. If
this disease isn’t too serious, it won’t affect pregnancy. In the serious
cases, it can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
Researchers considered that the
concentration of estrogen and glycogen in juice that is secreted from vagina in
pregnancy is a wonderful environment to help yeast develop quickly.
Pregnant women need to provide estrogen and
glycogen in daily diet. These kinds of useful bacteria can help prevent the
development of yeast. Probiotic tablet can be used by drinking or putting in
vagina. However, when mothers do this method by, they need to refer to
specialized doctors’ idea.
In addition, limiting to provide sugar to
body also helps reduce the risk of catching yeast in pregnancy.
The middle 3 months

is the most popular in the middle 3 months of pregnancy.
This phenomenon can take place anytime in
pregnancy; however, headache is the most popular in the middle 3 months of
Headache can be caused by mutation in
hormones together with the increasing of amount of blood in the first months of
pregnancy. Other reasons relate to not getting enough sleep, losing water, the
low amount of sugar in blood or pregnant women feel stressed.
According to experts, massaging is the
effective method to cure headache Moreover, to cure this disease, women need to
find out the reason that causes disease clearly and overcome those reasons (not
getting enough sleep, losing sleep, the low amount of sugar in blood, or
pregnant women feel too stressed).
of vena
This phenomenon is the most popular on 2
feet. The expression of this disease: 2 feet are swelled. Green vena appears on
the surface of skin.
The pressure of increasing of neck of the
womb and the mutation in hormones and the increasing of blood in pregnancy are
the main reasons that lead to expansion of vena as well as high blood pressure
to pregnant women.
To limit disease, pregnant women should:
Lift their feet anytime when they sit
Put a small chair in the working place to put
Doing exercise every day will be good for blood
Set up the diet that is rich of bioflavonoids
and vitamin C that can help to fortify the blood vessel wall and prevent
The last 3 months
This is the popular problem, especially in
the third quarter of pregnancy.
When fetus increases its size, it will
create pressure to digestive system. At this time, food will move through
slower because of the increasing of progesterone and cause constipation.
Eat the foods that are rich of fiber such as
grains with whole seed, brown rice, fruits and vegetables.
Drink a lot of water, at least 2 liters/day
Do exercise regularly. The ideal sports for
pregnant women include yoga, swimming and walking.
Heartburn is popular even when you don’t
become pregnant.
The reason is that sexual hormones that
maintain fetus increase more than the time before you become pregnant.
Moreover, becoming pregnant also makes uterus elastic. Therefore, it can cause
obstruction for bowel muscle.
Limit the foods that contain a lot of
spices (peppery, hot…) and fat that can make pregnant women have heartburn
Kinds of canned water, carbonated drinks,
chocolate,…aren’t suitable for pregnant women that are tired of heartburn.
Divide into many small meals in day
Pregnant women should lie on their side
when they sleep and they shouldn’t go to bed immediately after finishing
eating. When pregnant women go to bed, they should put pillow under their back
so that the amount of acid is always under diaphragm.

women should lie on their side when they sleep.
Absolutely avoid wine, beer and other
drinks that contain alcohol
Drink a lot of water and drink regularly in
Provide nutrients to make pregnancy healthy
Provide vitamins before and during pregnancy to
ensure that your body has enough vitamins and minerals.
Provide useful bacterium – probiotic
Omega-3 fatty acid is useful for brain and eyes
of fetus
Calcium and Fe are the nutrients in pregnancy.