If you’re a runner prepping for a race,
make strength training part of your plan. Athletes who did strength exercises
shaved 50 seconds off their 5K times in a recent New Zealand study. Resistance
training improves how efficiently the body uses oxygen; it also makes muscles
more rigid, so their fibers release an increased amount of energy with each
contraction (like a rubber band that’s stretched and then released). To finish
faster, add strengtheners like deadlifts and singleleg squats—holding a
dumbbell in each hand—to your regular training routine.
Hiit or miss

exercise style involves working at your peak effort, recovering, and repeating
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is this
year’s top fitness trend, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
The exercise style involves working at your peak effort, recovering, and
repeating—and it torches more calories in less time than a steady-state
session. “While HIIT brings to mind CrossFit or boot camp, it can be applied to
nearly any activity,” says Eric Salvador, head instructor at the Fhitting Room,
an NYC studio with interval-based classes. Here’s how: Warm up for 5 minutes,
then repeat each interval (below) 8 to 10 times; cool down for 5 minutes.
Sprint for 1 minute, then jog at an easy pace for 1 minute.
Increase resistance to between 12 and 15, then sprint for 1 minute; move at an
easy pace for 1 minute.
Sprint for 50 meters; rest for 30 to 60 seconds.
training: Do a body-weight move, like a box jump, squat, or burpee, for 1
minute; rest for 30 seconds.
Increase resistance to between 6 and 8, then sprint for 250 meters or 1 minute;
decrease resistance and row at an easy pace for 1 minute
Drop the pounds without exercising

exercises are simple daily activities, such as walking up the stairs, sweeping
and mopping the floor, throwing out the garbage and even fidgeting
Busy schedule at the office to a point where you
don’t have extra time to head to the gym? Fret not, because weight loss and
maintenance can be achieved through nonexercise activity thermogenesis
(N.E.A.T.)! N.E.A.T exercises are simple daily activities, such as walking up
the stairs, sweeping and mopping the floor, throwing out the garbage and even
fidgeting! As a whole, increasing your N.E.A.T. exercises will improve your
metabolic rate and weight loss results overtime. If you spend the majority of
your time at work, start increasing your N.E.A.T. by walking up the stairs
instead of taking the elevator, or give your eyes and body a break from the
computer screen by heading outdoors for a short 2-minute walk. After all,
walking is an effective way to burn calories!
Main squeeze

reap their benefits, you need to wear the form-fitting duds for several hours.
Compression garments speed up muscle repair, which
can reduce soreness after a tough workout session, according to English
researchers. To reap their benefits, you need to wear the form-fitting duds for
several hours. So after a post-run shower, wear pants like the SKINS coldblack®
A400 tights for the rest of the day or overnight. The tights’ Coldblack® heat
management system ensures a cooler fit, so your legs will definitely thank you