Area trained: Waist

Position a pair of dumbbells on top of one
another to form an X and hold them in your right hand with your arm by your
Ensure your feet are placed wider than your
hips and position your left hand behind your head.
Tuck your tailbone slightly forward, keep
your chest open and lifted, then lean over to your right for two counts before
returning to the centre over two counts, engaging your core. Perform all the
reps on one side before repeating on the other side.
Beginner: 10 reps each side
Intermediate : 15 reps each side
Advanced: 20 reps each side
Safety Tip
Keep good posture throughout
Lower Ab Jump
Area trained: Lower stomach

ab jump
Lie on your back and extend your legs up
toward the ceiling with your feet positioned above your hips.
Keep your arms by your sides with your
palms facing down.
Engage your core as you raise your bottom
and legs straight up toward the ceiling, aiming to lift your hips off the
Beginner: 10 slow reps, 10 pulses
Intermediate : 15 slow reps, 15 pulses
Advanced: 20 slow reps, 20 pulses
Safety Tip
Bend your knees if you’re feeling tension
in your legs or back
Lion Breath

Cross your legs and place a hand on your
chest and tummy. Slowly fill your lungs, then breathe through your nose
for 30 quick breaths.
All levels: 2 minutes
Safety Tip
Keep your core tight and your back straight