You are wonder whether you are
pregnant or not. You can pay attention to the following signs.
You are pregnant when sperm combines with
ovum. But in the first month, most of the women are often hesitant whether they
are pregnant or not. In about the first 3 months of pregnancy, change of
hormone in body will make you have a lot of changes and if you spend time paying
attention, you will recognize signs of being pregnant early.
To ensure that you are pregnant or not, you
can pay attention to the following early signs!
Nausea and vomit
In pregnancy, nausea or morning sickness is
one of uncomfortable signs. It can begin earliest when you are pregnant about
4-6 weeks and it also takes place any time in day, not only in morning. If you
recognize that you want to nauseating or you are ill suddenly, it can be sign
of pregnancy.

often takes place when you become pregnant from 4 to 6 weeks.
In the first weeks, you will feel tired
because you don’t get acquainted with the state that your body has to work 24/7
to provide nutrients for fetus. Secreting more of progesterone hormone will
make your body’s temperature increase and it will burn more energy. Your heart
rate will also increase to ensure that it will provide enough oxygen for ovary.
All of these things will lead to result that you will lose a lot of strength.

the first weeks of pregnancy, you will have tired feeling.
Breast is fully spread
Size of breast increases and this is one of
the first signs of being pregnant. If you pay attention, you can feel that your
breast is more painful than normal. However, all of these signs can be seen
before menstrual period. If you hope to be pregnant, this is a hopeful sign.
Nipples has dark color
In pregnancy, change of hormone makes
activities of cuticle cells disorder and it will create melanin on skin. As a
result, nipples will become darker.
Urinating regularly
If you suddenly urinate more, this maybe an
early sign that shows that you become pregnant. Phenomenon of urinating a lot can
appear about 6 weeks after being pregnant and because of some elements. One of
those elements is hormones of pregnancy. In addition, blood of body is more
than before.
Vagina bleeds
After the time when ovum is fertilized
about 6-12 days, you can be bled (its color is more colorless) a little.
Actually, this thing isn’t harmful, but if you doubt or worry, you should let
your doctor know in case it is a sign of another thing.
Change of mood
Strong change of hormone in body can make
your mood change irregularly. You are bored and feel self-empty; however, you
get furious or feel unpleasant. When you are familiar with your pregnant state,
usual changes will disappear naturally.
At this time, you don’t need to base on any
medical therapy to make this state stop. You should tell your husband about
this thing so that he can sympathizes and share with you. This is the most
important thing.
Feeling of tasteless mouth
You didn’t use to have habit of eating sour
foods and ice-cream. However, in this time, you crave for sour foods and
anything that can make you avoid feeling of tasteless mouth. This is early sign
of being pregnant. This hobby can last during pregnancy.

pregnancy, you can crave for some foods that can help you avoid tasteless mouth
like ice-cream.
Temperature of body increases
Change of temperature tends to be higher
and it often takes place from the 6th to 10th day after
ovum falls. If you follow your body’s temperature regularly or pay attention,
you will recognize this sign.
Backache and headache
Some women often have backache and headache
in the first time of pregnancy. This thing relates to fast development of progesterone
hormone in body. In addition, lacking water can lead to fast decline of red
blood cell in blood.
At this time, women should intensify daily
amount of water and check the amount of red blood cell in blood. If you continue
having headache, you should ask your doctors about using some kinds of medicine
that are safe for pregnant women.
Slow menstruation
This is one of the general signs that give
the signals of being pregnancy and it is popular to all of the women. If you become
pregnant, you won’t see appearance of menstruation. However, some women bleed
in pregnancy. This thing takes place in a short time and it is less than
Testing urine or testing positive blood
In the middle of the first month in
pregnancy (it means that you have slow menstruation about 1-2 weeks), you can
define that you become pregnant due to testing blood or urine. These 2 kinds of
experiments are due to the amount of HCG hormone that appears in body in
The simple way to do is testing urine at
home with testing stick that is sold at drugstores. The most expensive kind
isn’t surely the best one. You should use kind that has brand name or your
acquaintance or friend believe and use. You should test in the morning after
waking up and this is the time when HCG gains the highest threshold. You should
buy 2 kits of testing stick. You are in the early period of pregnancy and
incorrect result can take place. The best way is that you should repeat
experiment and then you compare result.
To make experiment with blood, you should
go to a pregnancy clinic. Testing blood to find HCG hormone will bring exact
result so that you can feel secure for period of being pregnant in 9 months.