The best thing that you can bring your child
is keeping your health from now.
When you know that you are pregnant, things
around you change. You have a lot of love to your future love. The best thing
that you can bring your child is keeping your health from now.
At this time, you can feel all of your actions.
And this thing is correct; mothers are people that are the most sacred to
babies on this earth. Baby’s health depends on your living style. Therefore,
you shouldn’t force yourselves to abstain and you shouldn’t spend strength for
exercise. Our advice will help your pregnancy become more interesting. At that
time, babies that are born will be healthy and you will become people that are
the happiest in life.
1. Eat and drink suitably
from milk
First of all, it is powdered milk that is
used for pregnant women, fresh milk, yoghurt. You should drink powdered milk
that is mixed with warm water and to fresh milk; you should choose pasteurized
milk. This is source that provides protein and calcium.

from milk can provide a lot of protein and calcium.
bulbs and fruits
You should give priority to cabbage, sweet
chili, spinach broccoli. These kinds of vegetable contain a lot of vitamin C.
You should wash vegetables, bulbs carefully (more than normal).
This is source that provides riboflavin and
protein. Before being pregnant, you can like to eat eggs that aren’t cooked
through, now you should stop to forget this interest. Pregnant women have to
eat eggs that are cooked carefully.

is the source that provides riboflavin and protein.
to eat:
Strong tea and coffee. Coffee, especially green
tea contains caffeine that makes heart rate increase.
Sweet things: Normally, sweet things often
contain a lot of sugar and fat that can make your body overcharged.
Carbonated beverages: Kinds of carbonated
beverage can stimulate areas of stomach and make them secrete substances that
cause unpleasant feeling for stomach.
Stop eating:
Fast foods: These foods contain a lot of
calories and they aren’t nutritious for body.
Wine and beer: You must give up wine and a glass
of wine that has bad effect on babies.

food isn’t nutritious for body of pregnant women.
2. Take care of teeth
No one wants to meet dentist. But to you,
this is the time for you to take care of your teeth especially. Disease in
mouth can be harmful to babies. So, you should be happy when you go to meet
dentist. If your gums bleed, you should use softer brush or use kinds of softer
brush or toothpaste without using brush.
3. Don’t believe in prejudices
Your girlfriend, colleagues acquaintances
will whisper to your ears some advice: don’t cut hair, don’t look ugly people,
don’t attend wedding party. Your neighbors and friends will surely tell you
about their scared pregnancy. You shouldn’t listen to anyone. You shouldn’t
compare your feeling with others’. Each woman will spend this period
differently. You should believe that you and fetus will be healthy and happy
during pregnancy.
4. Take a lot of vitamins
At present, there are many kinds of vitamin
that are used for pregnant women. You should refer to doctor’s idea to choose
the suitable kind. These multivitamins often have the form of tablets. Every day,
taking one tablet will be very convenient. You shouldn’t forget nutrients that
are in fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially, fiber is necessary for
digestive system, and it also prevents constipation effectively.

shouldn’t forget nutrients that are in fresh vegetables and fruits.
5. Give up cigarette
We are so familiar with warnings about
nicotine that we don’t want to pay attention to them. Actually, smoking cigarette
is very harmful to adult’s body. Imagine that your babies will feel unhappy.
You shouldn’t smoke cigarette and let anyone smoke cigarette when they sit next
you. Smoking cigarette passively (breathe cigarette’s smoke of other people)
will be harmful to babies, and this thing is as harmful as your smoking.
6. Be careful with flu
Diseases about respiratory system are very
dangerous to development of fetus, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
If the mother has flu in this period, the fetus will have the risk of
developing inborn defects and slow development. To help you not catch disease,
in pregnancy, you should limit to go to places that have a lot of people (going
by bus, going to the cinema, supermarket…). You should regularly make your
bedroom airy and keep room moist. In addition, you should wash your hands regularly
with soap if it isn’t your habit.
7. Move more
In pregnancy, walking in the park or
swimming are sports that are suitable for you. Didn’t you think about doing
exercise before being pregnant? At this time, doing exercise is very necessary.
After the 6th month, you should do simple morning exercise. You will
prepare for giving birth and feel more pleasant. After the 8th
month, you should limit to swim. When you go swimming, you should go with
8. Take a rest more
Don’t you have time to sleep? You can spend
any time in day sleeping with warm blanket. In general, you should take a rest
more. You can read your favorite books or watch attractive films. Low blood
pressure can also cause sleepiness. If you want to be alert, you should drink a
cup of weak tea.

women should take a rest more.
9. Keep calm
Cheery mind will have positive effect on
babies. If you are stressed, stressed hormones will immediately attack nerve of
babies. Besides, this hormone will help mother’s blood vessel narrow, and as a
result, the baby will lack calcium and nutrients. Therefore, in pregnancy, you
shouldn’t fear anything. You should see the world around with optimistic mind!
10. Refer
doctor’s ideas
In the first 6 months, you should go to
check pregnancy once every 4 weeks, and in the last 3 months of pregnancy, you
should go to check once every 2 weeks (except for the case of doctor’s
nomination). You should regularly test urine. You should go to check regularly
when you recognize usual things to avoid infected diseases for babies. You need
to test blood to detect infection of HIV, hepatitis B or not. Moreover, you
should test blood regularly to control concentration of sugar in blood. You
should go to check the total health. If you are over 35 years old and your family
has genetic disease, you should refer to idea of the genetic doctor.