To help medicine prove its effect, it
needs to have a suitable travelling companion. The reason is that some
medicines aren’t appropriate to milk, some others aren’t appropriate to roast
meat and banana.
After all, which dish should we avoid to
help taking medicine become effective?
1. Fiber
It is a necessary component in menu because
fiber can prove effect on adjusting digestion and helping moving your bowels
become easy. Nutritious experts assign that every day you should provide your
body with 30 grams of fiber (3 bowls of brown rice, 3 apples, 3 sweet chilies
or 3 tomatoes).
Unfortunately, fiber also has the second
face, it interrupts and reduces ability of body in absorbing some new
medicines, for example, medicines that contain calcium, Fe, magnesium,
manganese, zinc, vitamins A, D, E and vitamin of group B, medicine of heart
disease, medicine used to prevent depression, medicine of epilepsy.
Because of the reasons like that, first of
all, every day you shouldn’t eat a lot of fiber according to assignment (mainly
to soybean jam for taking a vegetarian meal); next, you shouldn’t take medicine
in meals or the time that is near meals.
2. Cow’s milk
We drink milk because we think that milk
contains a lot of calcium and this thing means that it is useful for bones.
Dose assigned for mature women every day is 1,200mg of calcium (about 3-4
glasses). It’s a pity that calcium reacts with some antibiotics (for example,
tetracycline) and as a result, they will create calcium salt that can dissolve
in water.
As a result, medicine is only absorbed a
part form digestive system or it can be eliminated out of body. Since then, its
effect for curing disease is low or useless. You should pay attention to
drinking milk while you are taking tablets – this kind of medicine only
dissolves when it falls into alkaline environment of bowel.
Drinking those new medicines with milk will
make stomach acid so weak that it can make cover of medicine dissolve in
stomach and medicine can destroy mucous membrane of stomach. Therefore, you
need to avoid taking medicine with milk and maintain 120 minutes between the
time of drinking milk and taking medicine.

need to avoid taking medicine with milk and maintain 120 minutes between the
time of drinking milk and taking medicine.
3. Fat
Especially it is fat whose origin is from
animal. Fat is rich in cholesterol and it means that it brings good condition
for appearance of atherosclerosis. However, body has demand about a quantity
that isn’t too big. With a minimum rate, it can help body produce hormone (for
example, estrogen) or absorb vitamins that can dissolve in fat (A, D, E, K).
In general, our menu needs to reduce fat
from fat of animal. You need to remember this detail, especially people that are
curing by medicines that contain component of Teofilina (used in condition of
treating bronchial asthma as well as lung disease and other diseases about
Fat can remarkably reduce effect of those
new medicines – phenomenon that causes dangerous effect such as having
difficulty in breathing. Therefore, it you intend to eat, for example noodles
and grilled meat, should take medicine about 90 minutes before eating or 120
minutes after eating.
4. Fruit juice
It is source that provides natural vitamins
and it cannot be replaced. Nutritious exerts assign that every day you should
drink 2 glasses of fruit juice or vegetable juice. However, there is also back
side of medal: some kinds of fruit juice, especially grapefruit and orange can
lead to negative effect if you drink it with some new medicines.

and orange juice can lead to negative effect if you drink them with some new
You should pay attention to antihistamines,
some medicines that can reduce concentration of cholesterol in blood and the
thing that is called medicine used to prevent calcium channel and it is used in
curing heart diseases.
Fruit juice contains flavonoid that has
important effect to metabolism of those medicines in liver. In addition, it can
make concentration of new medicine in blood higher 3-5 times than normal. It
means that it can lead to not only headache but also low blood pressure, dangerous
disorder of heart rate.
5. Coffee or tea
Many people maintain habit of beginning a
new day with a glass of black coffee and next some glasses in day. Caffeine
that is available in coffee doesn’t stimulate us, but this effect can be too
big (blood pressure increases, disorder of heart rate) if you drink coffee with
some kinds of new medicine at the same time, for example, using in curing
inflammation, stomachache.
It’s a pity that tea cannot make duty in
replacing. Tannin in tea will inhibit body to absorb Fe component that is used
in treating some diseases including anemia.
6. Cheese, ripe banana, chocolate
Some cheese products that have form of Brie
or Camembert, ripe banana and avocado, salted fish, fried fish, canned fish,
salad, chocolate, reddish brown have the same denominator: due to effect of
bacterium glaze that is available in food will make a compound – Tyramin appear.

you drink some kinds of new medicine before and after eating ripe banana,
chocolate…, it can lead to some unpleasant effects.
And this Tyramin compound is foe of some
new medicines, especially medicines that prevent depression, cure white plague,
prevent microbe.
In the case that if you drink the above
kinds of medicine before or after eating the above favorite dishes, it can lead
to some unpleasant effects such as anxious mood, suddenly high blood pressure,
feeling dizzy and headache.