Eating a lot is not the only reason causing
weight increase, there’re many others that you might not know.
Does eating is the only reason causing fast
weight increase? The followings are reason why your weight increases so fast
that you can’t estimate.

increase, why?
Genetic matter
Genetic matter is one of the reasons
causing fast increase in weight that you might not know. Gene affects not only
on the metabolism of the body, but also on your shape. That’s because it can
affect your appetite. If your body has a great percent of fat, you can gain
weight more easily than others despite the fact that you don’t eat as much as
they do.
The pituitary gland in brain has the
ability to produce hormones to stimulate the thyroid gland. After being
stimulated, the thyroid gland will produce other hormones to control the
metabolism. If the thyroid gland do it job well, the metabolism will be smooth;
otherwise, it’ll badly affect the metabolism, for example: it’ll cause
metabolic disorders or slower metabolism.

increase is not because of eating much.
Once it is affected, its ability to burn
the energy of the body will get worse, the excessive fat that isn’t burn will
store in places and make you put on weight. Therefore, you should take regular
medical exams to detect the latent factor that cause fast weight increase.
Lacking water
Water is one of the main sources that
provide energy to the body. Water helps lubricate body’s parts in order to help
them perform their functions well, especially the brain. Without water, the
brain’s activities will depend a lot on glucose which is provided by blood.
After that, glucose will be converted to sugar and the excess amount of sugar
will become lipid. The lipid remaining will lead to obesity. For that reason,
lacking water of the body is one of the reasons causing fast weight increase.
So, don’t let your body gain weight because of lacking water. Drink water, even
when you have no thirst.
Toxic accumulation

and fruits can detoxify your body.
In daily life, activities, acts, eating and
drinking can make an amount of toxic products (from the environment or foods)
remains in your body. These toxic products can destroy the metabolism and badly
affect the functions of organs, making them unable to do their jobs well.
A fair amount of toxic products that remain
in the body will cause hormonal disorder, which leads to the accumulation of
excessive fat manly in belly, the behind and makes your weight increase fast.
The best way to get rid of the toxic products is eating foods that can detoxify
the body like vegetables, fruits…