Women should know about their labor signs to
get to hospital in time.
If fetuses are around 38th to 40th
weeks and you find some symptoms, such as: uterine contractions, the vagina
discharge red fluid, urinal gleaning, water breaking…, you should hospitalize
and wait for the labor. However, everyone has different signs of labor.

should know about labors signs.
1. Vagina discharge water and grey fluid
About 24 hours before labor, pregnant
women’s vaginas usually excrete pink fluid which belong to blood or suddenly
pour out yellow water. The red blood is due to the fact that the uterine
endothelia in the last week of pregnancy, secretes prostatic pigment, the
placemen secretes female hormones and progestogen. The grown uterus is opened,
which leads to the fact that the mucus flow out through the cervix and the
fetal membrane which is near to the cervix is cut from the uterine wall and
causes small blood vessels bursting. The mucus usually has little blood in it,
has coffee color, pink or magenta. This is one of popular signs that announce
the labor. At that time, the uterus is open, so it’s easily infected with
bacteria from the outside. Pregnant women should take good care of the hygiene
to prevent infection.
2. The urination increases and the uterus has multiple contractions
For people who are having babies for the
first time, in 2 weeks before labor, the fetus’s head will turn down to create
good condition for the fetus to go out, so it makes some pressures on the
bladder, which increase urination and cause walking problem. The intermittent
pains of the abdomen appear and the increase of uterine contractions will make
pregnant women suffer severe pain and just want to urinate. Till then, pregnant
women should be hospitalized to take examinations.
3. Back and waist pains, leg Oedema
The heads of fetuses are pressed down and
so are the nervous systems can lead to leg’s discomfort, Oedema, spinal
muscular contractions, waist pain… The symptoms also signal the labor.

many signs promise labor.
4. Intermittent pains from abdomen
The fetus is old enough and you often feel
pains from the low abdominal area or back fatigue. It’ll be ok if the pains
happen successively and irregularly. In that case, you just need to take a rest
and wait till the pains stop. That’s because it’s a fake travail. But, if the
pains don’t go after resting and tend to get worse, it’s a real travail.
5. Early water breaking

water breaking happens when the membrane soon rupture before getting labor.
Early water breaking happens when the
membrane soon rupture before getting labor. Before giving birth, if the vagina
pours out a great amount of water like when you can’t control the urination, it
means your water is broke. That symptom is very dangerous to the fetus’s life,
so pregnant women need hospitalizing untimely.
Besides, if pregnant women find that
fetuses are in the wrong position, specifically at the opposite side, or have
symptoms like headache, breast pain, discomfort, vaginal bleeds without pain,
marrow pelvis, history of fetal suffocation, having heart or liver diseases…,
you should get hospitalized soon to be ready to give birth and avoid