Why the labor often occurs early in
the morning? Why shouldn’t we isolate children from their mothers at the first
hour after they were born?
In her newest book written about pregnancy,
Jena Pincott with her knowledge about medicine, answered some biggest secrets
of pregnancy, also authenticated some misunderstood around this period of time.

things you might not know about pregnancy.
Why does the labor often occur early in the morning?
According to many researches, the labor
often begins at midnight and lasts until 4 a.m.. The reason is that some
hormones have their maximum increase at night, such as estriol and oxytocin, both
of which have the ability to bring spasms to the uteri and the neck of the
Evolutionary psychologists consider that
the phenomenon relates to the fact that night is the safest and calmest moment
of human; it’s also the time that we’re hardly distracted. Prehistoric moms might
feel that night is a good moment to begin labor because till then, all of the
members of the tribe are present (no one seeks food at night) and ready to give
a hand with the labor.

labor contractions often begin in the middle of the night until 4 a.m.
Children shouldn’t be isolated from his/her mother at the
first hour after born.
Nowadays, in many hospitals, people
separate babies from their mother after born for weighing, bathing and other
medical procedures. However, some research shows that the first hour after
being given birth is very important to the child’s heath, emotion and
connection to his/her mother.
In the very first minutes of the newborn in their new
world, they have the ultra-sensitive sense of smell.
In labs, some babies are allowed to smell
cherry and mango oil a few hours after born. It results that the infants remember
the smell and like them as soon as they smelled it. This ability won’t last
long as after 12 hours smelling the oil; they neither have any memory about
what happened nor show their interest to the smell when they grow older.

women who hug their babies after giving birth can do the breastfeeding better
than the ones who don’t.
This is the reason why infants are able to
develop the connection to the first person they smell. They are programmed to
recognize and love their mother and the ones who take care of them.
The effect not only occurs to babies, but
their mothers as well. When the mother gives her child breastfeeding, the
action will stimulate the hormones like oxytocin and prolactin which both help
the mother to secrete the milk. And, women who have chance to hug their children
at that golden moment will have the ability to do the breastfeeding 8 times as
well as the ones who don’t.