Want to maximise your time in the
gym? Add this multitasking move to your workouts for total-body toning.
Which Areas Of The Body Does The Clean,
Lunge And Press Work?
Your legs, bottom, core, shoulders and rear
upper arms will all get a good workout, making this move a super all-over

Areas Of The Body Does The Clean, Lunge And Press Work?
What Makes It So Effective?
It targets the upper and lower body,
helping to tone almost every muscle. It also helps to increase your heart rate,
meaning it will boost your fitness levels and up the intensity of your workout.
Plus, this exercise cuts your workout time as it combines three moves in one.
How Do You Do It?
Begin standing with a kettlebell on the
floor between your legs. Bend your hips and knees to take hold of the
kettlebell with your right hand, pushing your hips back and looking straight
ahead. This is your starting position. Swing the kettlebell back between
your legs slightly, as if you were passing it behind you. Quickly reverse the
direction and straighten your legs, driving forward with the hips.

all areas! Clean, lunge and press
Bring the kettlebell straight up in
front of you using your body’s momentum and keeping your arm straight throughout.
Slowly bend your elbow, keeping your hand facing forwards and bring the
kettlebell toward your body and into the rack position (kettlebell tucked into
your shoulder, with your palm still facing forwards).
Take a large step forward with your right
foot. Bend your knees and lower slowly into a lunge position, with your knees
bent at 90-degree angles, your abs held tight.
Holding this position for a few seconds,
press your right hand straight upward.
Reverse the movement to return to the
starting position and repeat on the other side.
How Often Do You Need To Perform This
Move To Start Seeing Real Results?
Repeat this exercise three times a week as
part of your regular workout to see a real improvement in your body tone.
How Much Weight Should You Lift?
Use a kettlebell that’s between 8- 12kg.
Choose a weight that suits your level.
How Many Sets Should You Do Each Time?
Beginner: 2 x 30 seconds
Intermediate: 3 x 45 seconds
Advanced: 3 x 1 minute
When It Becomes Easy, How Can You Make
This Exercise A Bit Harder?
Increase the number of sets or the duration
of each rep, or use a heavier weight.
Are There Any Safety Guidelines To
Make sure you keep your back straight, and
squeeze your bottom and core to protect your lower back when performing the swinging
part of the movement.
Top Tip
Keep your abs tight and your back straight
throughout the exercise