Stairs provide a free and effective way
for exercising. Contrary to what you think, you
don’t get any limit from running or
walking up stairs. There are many exercises you can do with a single staircase.
Maybe they are not your typical training, but you can still complete the training

There are many
ways to exercise.
Cardio exercises
Running up and down stairs is a great way to
exercise. In addition, modify it somehow can make
it more exciting and challenging. Next time, try to skip one
level while running up the stairs. This will increase the
heart rate, resulting in more calories which are burned. Another
way is hopping. Instead of changing your legs when climbing
stairs, go up the stairs by hopping. For heavier set,
let's hop by a single leg. This exercise will require a lot of strength and
balancing. Complete yourself the jump by 2 legs before
attempting to jump by just one leg.

up and down stairs is a great way to exercise.
Resistance exercises
Increasing and decreasing the height when you train with
stairs provide an available hard level when you are on resistance exercises. Push-up is a great exercise for the upper body. Put
you in a hard position on the stairs.
Elevated split squat is another exercise which make use of the height of
stairs. Choose one comfortable staircase
which motivates you to exercise. Standing with your back
to the stairs for this exercise. You can also train your triceps by using the
stairs for triceps dips. To make this move more difficult, raise one leg at a
time while keeping your balance.
Combined exercises
Some stair exercises give the benefit of
cardiovascular and strength. These exercises are good methods for heart while
simultaneously creating muscle. Running up and down stairs can be used to train
legs while also increasing the heart rate. Remember to change your legs steadily while climbing stairs. Another exercise is side squatting
while you move up flights of stairs. Turn aside when doing squat movement and
turn around while going upstairs.
You should be careful while using stairs for exercise. To protect the joint from excessive impact, always walk down after running or sprinting up the
stairs. This also gives your body
time to recover before performing other exercises. When doing stationary
movements, make sure your balance is maintaining to avoid a fall down. In acrowded
area, take the stairs in the morning or late at night when there are fewer people. Always go through a warm-up and cool down which include a
variety of stretches. Check with your doctor to ensure that you can start
exercise programs.

In a crowded area, take the stairs in the morning or late at night when
there are fewer people.