After three weeks on this 30 minute
plan, you won’t just fit into the pair you already own you’ll be shopping for a
smaller size!
The Temperatures Dropping, which means it’s time to squeeze into jeans you haven’t worn since
May. To truly rock these body contouring bottoms, you’ll need to tackle every
trouble spot from your waist down. This workout does just that, with 10 toners
that sculpt your butt and legs while challenging your core and zapping excess
jiggle too. “Doing supersets pairs of exercises performed back-to-back increases
your heart rate, and resting between them brings it down, says Kimmel Yeager,
specialty fitness director at the Pacific Sports Resort in San Diego, who
created this program. “That technique called metabolic training burns more fat
than working at a steady intensity. “Start today and you’ll be confidently
shimmying into your favorite skinnies by month’s end.”

today and you’ll be confidently shimmying into your favorite skinnies by
month’s end.”
How It Works
Three times a week, do every superset, in order, two times without stopping,
resting for up to a minute before moving on to the next one. Do cardio on at
least two other days.
You’ll Need
A pair of 5 to 10 pound dumbbells and a step or bench. (Beginners, skip the
Superset 1
Works legs and butt
Stand with feet together, elbows bent, and
hands in fists at sides. Jump up [A] and down for 15 seconds, then jump to the
left [B] and right for 15 seconds, and finally, forward and back for 15

Squat Jack
Works legs, butt, and core
Stand with feet hip-width apart, and hold a
dumbbell in front of your chest. Squat until thighs are parallel to the floor.
Staying in the squat, jump, landing with feet wide [shown]. Jump back to
starting position. Do 20 reps.
Superset 2
Single Leg Reach
Works legs, butt, and core
Stand on right foot with left knee bent,
and hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of shoulders, palms facing each
other. Squat as you reach left hand toward right toes [A]. Rise up, lifting
left arm in an arc out to the left and overhead as you raise left knee to hip
height in front of you [B]. Return to starting position. Do 10 reps. then
switch sides to complete set.

X Lunge
Works legs, inner and outer thighs, butt,
and core
Stand with feet wide and parallel, holding
a dumbbell in each hand on hips, elbows pointing behind you. Lunge to the left
as you place right weight on the floor in front of left toes (shown]. Lunge to
the right and place left weight in front of right toes. Lunge to the left again
and pick up the weight with right hand; lunge to the right to pick up the
weight with left hand to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.
Bulge Buster
Performing a superset blasts 33 percent
more calories than doing the two exercises with a rest in between.