Finding An Hour To Sweat It Out At The Gym
Can Be Tricky—which is why we’re psyched about Jillian Michaels’ new program,
Body Shred: It gets the job done in half the time! Debuting this month at
Crunch clubs nationwide, the cardio-sculpting class includes body-weight and
dumbbell moves. But don’t expect any ordinary push-ups or lunges during this
session: By adding disciplines like martial arts and yoga into the mix,
Jillian’s created unique exercises that challenge your muscles in a new way.
For a taste of the action, try this five-move total-body plan, adapted from her
Crunch program exclusively for SHAPE. It may be quick (it takes just 10
minutes), but it’s tough! What else would you expect from Jillian?
The Plan
How It Work
Four times a week, do each move for 30 to 60 seconds ¡n order. Repeat twice,
taking up to a minute between circuits to catch your breath.
You’ll Need
A pair of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells.
1. Bear
Works abs, shoulders, chest, legs, and
Get on all fours with wrists under
shoulders and knees under hips. Curl toes under and lift knees off the floor
[A]. Jump feet forward as you reach left arm overhead and extend right leg
straight out in front of you, so weight is on right hand and left foot [B].
Reverse motion to return to starting position, and repeat on opposite side.
Continue, alternating sides.

on all fours with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Curl toes under
and lift knees off the floor

feet forward as you reach left arm overhead and extend right leg straight out
in front of you, so weight is on right hand and left foot
2. Push And Pray
Works shoulders, legs, and triceps
Get in plank position and bend elbows,
lowering chest toward the floor [A]. Push up explosively as you raise right arm
and right leg and rotate body back, placing right foot on the floor next to
left knee and extending right arm toward the ceiling [B]. Reverse motion to
return to starting position. Switch direction halfway through set.
Sumo Dragon
Works legs, butt, shoulders, and core

Stand with feet staggered and a stride’s
length apart, left in front of right and turned out. Hold a dumbbell in each
hand overhead (at a slight angle to the left) and bend left knee [A]. Bend
elbows, bringing forearms near ears, and move the weights in a circular motion
behind your head to the right as you step right foot at a diagonal behind left
[B] and squat as you extend arms to the left [C]. Reverse the motion to return
to starting position. Switch sides (move in the opposite direction) halfway
through set.
3. Figure-4 Curl
Works legs, butt, and biceps

legs, butt, and biceps
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a
dumbbell in each hand with arms extended at sides and palms Facing away from
you. Shift weight to left foot and cross right ankle over left thigh [A]. Squat
as you curl weights toward your shoulders [B]. Rise up as you extend arms to
return to starting position. Switch legs halfway through set.
4. Side Kick Roll
Works abs, shoulders, and inner and outer

abs, shoulders, and inner and outer thighs
Get inside plank position on left side with
left forearm on the floor, elbow aligned under shoulder, and knees bent. Bend
right elbow at shoulder height out to the side, hand in fist, and pull right
knee toward it [A]. Raise hips as you extend right leg and right arm at a
diagonal out to the side [B]. Return to starting position and roll to the
right, landing in a side plank on right side, and repeat. Continue, alternating
sides. (Too tough? Skip the roll and just do the kicks; switch sides halfway
through set.)