1. Monkey Push-Up
Works arms, shoulders, back, chest, core,
legs, and butt
Get on all fours and curl toes under, then
lift your hips and knees so your body forms an inverted V shape, hips higher
than shoulders. Raise right leg to hip height behind you [A]. Bend elbows,
lowering chest toward the floor [B]. Push up to starting position. Do lo reps;
switch raised leg halfway through set.
2. Walk Out
Works butt and legs
Lie Face up with hands on hips, knees bent,
and feet on the floor, ankles under knees. Lift hips and toes and step forward
with right foot Shew NJ and left; step back to starting position to complete 1
rep. Do 20 reps.
4 Ways To Fry More Fat
They don’t call them “skinny” jeans for
nothing the less flab you have around your lower half, the hotter you’ll look
in that curve-hugging denim. Make these simple tweaks to your cardio and
strength sessions to send those saddlebags packing!
1. Walk Like You Mean It Hoofing it at 4.5
mph melts 66 percent more calories than strolling at 3.5 mph. Take short
strides, and pump your arms fast to increase your speed.
2. Embrace Intervals During any cardio
workout, move as fast as you can or crank up the incline for 60 seconds every 3
minutes to increase the calories incinerated by 10 percent.
3. Add Heft To A Set The heavier the
weight, the more energy it takes to lift it. If you can easily crank out
another few reps at the end of a set, swap out your dumbbells for heavier ones.
4. Get Some Air At 10 calories per minute versus
3 or 4 for moderate strength training plyometric moves (like the hopscotch and
squat jack in this plan) are a sculpting-and-slimming slam dunk.

don’t call them “skinny” jeans for nothing the less flab you have around your
lower half, the hotter you’ll look in that curve-hugging denim.
Fit to Perform
Strong legs are super-sexy and make it
easier to run, bike, and dance for hours.
Superset 4
1. Squat Kick
Works legs, butt, and inner thighs
Stand with feet wider than shoulders and
hands in fists in front of chest. Squat until thighs are parallel to the floor
[A]. Shift weight to left foot as you rise up and kick right leg out to the
side [B]. Return to starting position and repeat, this time kicking opposite
leg, to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

2. Bench Crossover
Works legs and butt
Stand with left foot on top of a step or
bench and right foot on the floor beside it, hands in fists in front of
shoulders [A]. Rise up as you cross right leg behind left, then land with right
foot on the floor on the opposite side of the step [B]. Return to starting
position. Do 5 reps; switch sides to complete set.
Superset 5
1. Knee In/Out
Works legs, butt, and core
Stand with feet hip-width apart and squat.
Lean forward 45 degrees and place the backs of your hands on your lower back.
Quickly extend right leg straight back behind you [A], return to starting
position, then extend right leg straight out in front of you [B] and back to
starting position to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides to complete set.
2. Leg Raise And Circle
Works outer thighs and legs
Stand with hands on hips. Shift weight to
left leg and lift right leg out to the side [shown], then lower it until it
nearly touches the floor. Do 20 reps. Next, raise right leg out to the side and
circle it forward lo times and back 10 times (circles should be about 6 inches
in diameter). Switch sides to complete set.

Rev It Up
Research shows that your calorie burn stays
elevated for up to 36 hours after doing workouts like this.