Touch the fit fix you love but not seeing
the results you want? Your complimentary activities will tone the areas your
workout can not reach
You love cycling add pilates

Biking is great for toning your legs and
glutes, but hunching over handlebars is not great for your posture. ‘Cycling
does not do much for the core- your abs, obliques and back,’ says personal
trainer Liz Fulford ( se recomends you avoid the slump-
and the back pain it causes- with Pilates. ‘The moves engage your core
throughout, improve your flexibility and generally loosen you up. So you get
the added bonus of better balance.’ Handy for your two- wheeled workout!
Try a weekly class, on mats or with a
reformer wired up to pulleys and weights for extra resistance. For a class
directory, see
You love zumba add tennis

Fast and fabulous Zumba classes are a
fantatic mis of hight- tempo cardio and resistance moves. ‘The one downside- as
with all classes- is that there is not much one- to- one attention, and you
will not reap the full benefits if you get the moves wrong,’ says Liz. ‘A
racket sport, such as tennis, will get your mind and body working together,
boosting your concentration and coordination- so you will nail those Zumba
moves every time.’
Tennis burns up to 200 calories per half
hour- plus it is free, fun and a perfect excuse to round up your friends for a
trip to the park. Do it on non- Zumba days so your are not knackered pre-
class. Check out page 100 for our expert tips.
You love running add a bootcamp class

‘Running is another great cardio workout,
but it neglects your upper body,’ says Liz. A not- as- scary- as- it- sounds
bootcamp will give you an all- over workout specifically targeted at the
muscles running can not reach. ‘And because park bootcamps have a friendly,
social feel, just one class can boost a flagging spirit and help you stick to
your training plan.’ She says. It is the summer craze that will not go away, so
you would be hard- pressed not to find one in your area.
Hit the park once or twice a week, from $56
a month,
You love swimming add TRX

A dip burns 180 to 250 cals per half hour;
solid, but not as much as some other sports. TRX will ramp up that calorie burn
and consolidate all the benefits of swimming- think a healthier heart and
lungs and more toned arms and legs. The moves, performed on an upright frame
with straps for your hands and feet, use your bodyweight as resistance. ‘You
will do short, high- intensity exercises that boots metabolism and improve
fitness, so you will be lapping the pool with ease’, say trainer Kim Ingleby
Classes cost around $38 a pop. Set up your
own TRX mini- gym at home (all you need is a strong door to attrch the kit to)
from $202; door anchor, $32,
You love gym workouts add a resistange band

‘Switch up your rrgular gym routine every
four to six weels to work different muscle groups and reap the same benefits,’
suggests Liz. ‘To really step up the gains, add more dunamic moves to raise
your heart rate without limiting your range of motion.’ Resistance band moves-
where a giant piece of elastic adds resistance to conventional exercises- are
perfect. Use it for bicep curls, leg lifts and shoulder presses.
Swap one gym session a week for your new
routine. Resistance bands cost from $14.5,
Double- duty moves
Want more biceo for your buck? Tweak
these exercises for better results
Do a conventional lunge, holding a weight
in each hand, arms straight. ‘This works your glutes and core harder,’ says
Kim. Result? A tauter tum and bum.
Chair dips
Sit, holding a weight above your head, then
bend your arm, bringing the weight behind your head. This tricep extension
works the same muscles as a dip, but gets your abs invoved, too.
Perform a squat holding a kettlebell in
both hands. At the lowest point, swimming the weight up wards as you stand to
target your entire body.
Leg curls
Lie with knees bent. Raise your hips into a
bridge position while lifting a weight above your chest in a chest press. More
work for your upper body roped in, too.