The second quarter of pregnancy is the most
comfortable time for all pregnant women.
In this time, baby will be stable in your
belly, so women are often subjective and they don’t pay attention to womb a
lot. However, you shouldn’t be vacant to some things in this period!
1. Do exercise smoothly

will help pregnant women reduce stress and pain of muscles.
Exercises that are prepared for the process
of giving birth are really necessary and you need to do from these months.
Pregnant women are encouraged to practice sports such as: yoga, walking and
swimming. Yoga will help pregnant women reduce stress and pain of muscles. You
should attend the classes of yoga for pregnant women to meet other pregnant
women and share the experience about pregnancy.
2. Check fetus periodically

fetus periodically with doctor’s schedule is very important.
Checking fetus periodically with doctor’s
schedule is very important. It will ensure the best development of pregnancy.
The schedule of checking fetus in this period is:
You should check fetus every month to check
weight, blood pressure, sign of edema in foot, the development of fetus through
measuring the height of uterus and listening to fetus heart.
Test urine to detect pre- eclampsia and
urinating inflammation
Have a scan to check morphology of fetus when it
is 18-24 weeks.
When fetus is 24 to 28 weeks, you need to test
about admitting sugar (diabetes testing)
3. Buy pregnant things
All pregnant women have this demand, right?
From the fourth month of pregnancy, womb begins to be bigger. From the 5th,
6th month, womb will be clearer. In this period, you need to buy
clothes that are used for pregnant women. To be the most comfortable in summer,
pregnant women should chose maxi skirt that is cool. If you are pregnant women
that have personality, you can choose the style of short legging trousers and
wide T-shirt.
However, pregnant women need to pay
attention that they shouldn’t buy too many pregnant clothes in this period
because in the last 3 months, the womb will become bigger a lot.
4. Take care of skin
In this time, womb will become bigger and
women should pay attention to taking care of skin to avoid cracking. In
reality, about 20% of pregnant women aren’t cracked. However, if you prevent in
advance, you can reduce the risk of being cracked. The skin areas that are
easily to be cracked are belly, breast, rump and thigh. To reduce the risk of
being cracked, women need to pay attention that they shouldn’t let their body
gain weight quickly. They need to eat the foods that contain a lot of fiber,
drink a lot of water and use the products that make pregnant women’s skin moist
5. Make plan about finance
When your family has a new member, it means
that you will spend more money. Therefore, to avoid spending money too much,
women need to make plan about finance before giving birth. You need to list the
expenses in family, expenses about buying things and giving birth. You need to
refer to the ideas of the women that used to give birth to prepare enough
6. Travel
This is the most comfortable and safest
time for pregnant women to travel. At this time, you don’t have to worry about
the risk of miscarriage a lot and their womb isn’t too heavy. You should make
plan for a short travelling and you shouldn’t travel too far. Before
travelling, pregnant women should prepare the smooth baggage. Pregnant women
should prepare cool clothes, slipper and the necessary foods to avoid the case
that pregnant women aren’t familiar with the foods in the place where they
7. Prepare things for babies
Although it is rather early, you should
gradually prepare the necessary things to welcome babies from the 6th
month of pregnancy. The things that you must spend a lot of money such as cage,
stroller, cradle and bed need to be bought as soon as possible. In the period
that you are going to give birth, you must buy many other things. From these
months, you should make plan with details about the things that you need to buy
for your children.
8. Check teeth periodically
Many scientific evidences proved that
diseases about teeth and mouth can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
Therefore, pregnant women shouldn’t forget to check fetus periodically with the
direction of dentist to prevent the bad risks that can take place.
9. Choose sleeping posture
From the 21st week of pregnancy,
pregnant women should pay attention to their sleeping posture to keep babies
safe. Obstetricians also advise pregnant women not to lie on their back because
it will cause pressure on fetus and as a result, it won’t be good for baby’s development.
10. Foster

women need to have scientific diet.
In the second period of pregnancy, women
need to provide 300 calories every day. You need to have scientific diet with
enough nutrients and eat a lot of green vegetables. Pregnant shouldn’t forget
to drink water to avoid the risk of lacking water and catching constipation,