After labor, though the bump has
disappeared and the weight is quite gone too, you surely can get back in shape
right then.
The number of women who can’t take off weight
after childbirth is 14-20%. However, there are some methods that help improve
the situation:
Control the weight during pregnancy. Pregnant
women need a sensible regimen that meets the needs of the fetus. After labor,
mothers still have to remain 2,000 calories/day to ensure the recovery and milk
source for babies.
Breastfeeding helps burn calories.
Exercise before and after giving bith
Doing housework regularly is an efficient way to
thin down too.
Get enough sleep.
8. I’m afraid that I will have pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes.
The risk of having high blood pressure that
leads to pre-eclampsia is 5-8%. This phenomenon usual happens to women who are
under 18 or over 35 have history in having high blood pressure.
If you’re afraid of getting this kind of
disease, you should talk to your doctor to be closely motnired at the
beginning. Some early symptoms are limb and face oedema, blurred vision, and serious

should have regular pressure check during pregnancy.
One of gestational diabetes symptoms is not
having the ability to transfer the glose that is stored in blood. This kind
just has a small opportunity.
Pregnant woman should have a healthy diet.
If you don’t have diabete history, you still have to take the glucose test in
the week of 24 and 28 of pregnancy in order to be timely detected unsual sign.
9. The sex life will be worse after giving birth.
Most women are still weak after labor. It takes
2-3 months for their vagina to revover if a pregnant woman has to stitch the
perinea or incision up.
Additionally, this is the time that the
responsibility of looking after the infant reduces the sex appetite. Some
married couples admitted that they’d rather sleep than have sex in that period
of time.

sex life will get back to normal in the 4th or 6th week
after childbirth.
In some first times having sex after labor,
many women find it difficult to do the thing because the viginal discharge is
not enough, so they have to ask for the lubricant help. But everything is going
to be okay.
70% of woman revealed that sex life back to
normal in the 6th month after giving birth. Moreover, they and their
husband are more satisfied with sex than before.
10. I
heard that the delivery will be very painful. How can I over it?
You have happily gone shopping, chosen a
nice and meaningful name your baby. At that time, you wished your baby is soon
born so that you can play with it.
But as the day is coming closer, you’re
getting worried and questioning yourself: “Does the labor last long?” “Is it
hurt?” You can’t image what will happen in the delivery room.
First, you have to calm down. The pregnancy
and labor are natural and we can do them all.
If you do worry about it, you should pour
out your feelings to your doctor.
The practical advice from the trustful
friend can help you overcome difficulties. Keep waiting for the magical moment
when you look at your little angle.
11. I
will be so nervous in the labor ward that I don’t know what to do.
Many women have heard the stories that the
pregnant yelling, scolding her husband, doctor or deliver poops… during the
Some women are afraid of showing their
vaginals to doctors and nurses.
Being angry or in pain while giving birth
is very normal. Doctors won’t judge you for that. And you don’t have to be
nervous about showing you body because their only concern is a safe delivery,
not your outlook.
Release your body and soul, and try to
focus on the labor.
12. I’m
afraid that I have to have an urgent Ceasarean.
There’re one third of children who were
born by Ceasanrean. There’re plenty of Ceasanrean births that were decided before
the labor by reasons: the baby hasn’t turned its head, the presentation isn’t
right, the placenta has problem or the pregnant had had a ceasanrean before.
13. How
can I make it in time when having birth bangs?
Sometimes you can see the news in newspaper
that somewhere, there was a pregnant women giving birth in a taxi and the taxi
driver became an obstetrician.
The truth is, from the moment you having
the first bang, it takes you 12 hours and a half to 21 hours and a half to be
in labour. You definitely have enough time to go the nearest hospital.
To be more careful, your family can check
the travel time from your house to the hospital to have the sensible
14. I’m
afraid that I won’t be a good mom.

woman always carries along the maternal instinct.
Nothing is perfect. Time and effort and the
supportive of you family will help you confide in yourself being a mom.
The more important thing is when you’re
afraid of being a mom or nerveous about it, you will know how to do it well.