Backache in pregnancy is the phenomenon that
many women meet. With the following simple ways, pregnant women can reduce
Backache in pregnancy is a popular
phenomenon. It isn’t strange. In this period, you are gaining weight and your
body will change a lot from the outside figure to inside endocrine. The
ligaments that lie in your pelvis will be dilated according to the time when
baby grows in mothers’ womb.

in pregnancy is a popular phenomenon.
However, besides crying out and suffering,
you can reduce and even eliminate this phenomenon if you follow the following
Keep the standard posture
When your baby is developing, your body’s
gravity will move to the front. All muscles and ligaments in your body will be
dilated and they will cause pressure, so they will make your back painful. To
prevent this state, you need to keep the correct posture in all activities.
The bad habits such as dangling shoulder,
sitting in a long time in front of computer can make you have backache more.
Standing straightly, sitting with the
correct posture will help the backache reduce remarkably. You need let your
shoulder comfortable and relaxed.
You should wear bra with the suitable size.
It shouldn’t too large or too tight.
You stand, you need to stand on a stable
position with the posture that is the most comfortable as possible. If you
stand in a long time, you should try to change posture continuously to help
back and feet not be tired.
When you sit and work in front of computer
in a long time, you also need to pay attention to your sitting posture. If you
aren’t careful, your back will become tired and painful quickly. The best way
is that you should choose a low chair that is suitable and smooth for you. You
can put a small pillow behind your back. At this time, this is the useful
advice for you.
After 15 minutes, you should exercise and
change your posture once. This thing will help your bone and muscle
Shouldn’t wear high-heel
High-heel is a wonderful product of
humanity. It will make women’s figure become more slender. However, it is the
agent that can make your back the most painful when you are becoming pregnant.
High-heel will affect moving and standing
posture of feet. Body’s weight will gather in the toes. This thing will affect
nerves in hip.

or shoes with the low sole is the better choice for pregnant women at this
When fetus develops more and more, the
nerves will suffer from the pressure stronger. As a result, it will lead to the
terrible backache. Therefore, when you become pregnant, you should limit to
wear high-heel. Sandal or shoes with the low sole is the better choice for you
at this time.
Avoid holding and carrying heavy things in pregnancy
In pregnancy, pregnant women’s body will
suffer a lot of pressure because baby in womb develops, so it leads to the
change about weight of body. This thing will make pregnant women easily have
backache. Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid do heavy
work or carry bulky or heavy things because they can gather the pressure on
your back.
Another note for pregnant women is that
when you list a small thing, you should sit on your heels and list that thing
slowly. You shouldn’t bend your body and bend down, this thing will make nerves
of your back stretch and as a result, your back will be painful.
Therefore, when you want to list something,
you should always fold your knees instead of hunching your back. You should try
to keep your back straight when you stand up or sit down.
Massage regularly
Massaging has a lot of effects. Reducing
the symptom of backache is one of the effects that massaging brings for
pregnant women.

has a lot of effects.
Backache is one of the reasons that make
you take care of your body more. You can drop by a massaging center for
pregnant women or you can ask your husband to massage for you.
When your back is massaged and rubbed,
stimulated about blood circulation, your back will become more comfortable and
as a result, your attack will disappear.
In addition, you can foment or apply a cold
compress. You can ice to help your back reduce attack or you can take a basket
of hot water to apply hot compresses to back to help muscles of back soft and
reduce pain.
Do exercise correctly
People encourage pregnant women to do
exercise in pregnancy. Sitting at one place and fearing to exercise will make
your backache become more serious.
Having physical activities regularly will
help your body strong and healthy. They will help you reduce attacks in

women should practice yoga, swimming…
You can try smooth activities such as
walking, practicing yoga or swimming…
Refer to doctor’s idea
If you have backache seriously in
pregnancy, or you have backache more than 2 weeks, you should talk with your
doctor or midwife. They will advise you that which kind of medicine that you
should use or give the effective method to cure.
You should pay attention that backache in
pregnancy can be the sign of premature birth. In addition, backache in
pregnancy is that accompanied with bleeding in vagina, fever, urinating a lot
can be the sign that shows that your health has problem. If you have trouble
with your backache, you need to contact with your doctor or midwife immediately.