How is the diet that can help your babies
healthy and make your weight in level that can be controlled?
If you begin to become pregnant with BMI
from 25-29.9, you should change menu of diet because you are overweight.
Body Max Index is known with abbreviation
BMI. It is used to evaluated thin of fat level of a person. This index can help
define a person that is obese or malnourished. You are considered obese if your
BMI is 30 or over.
Medical experts in USA recommend that women
that have BMI 26 before becoming pregnant should only gain weight from 7 to
11.5kg at the end of pregnancy with the speed about 0.9-1.4kg in one month,
mainly in the second and third quarter.
Women that have healthy BMI (18.5-24.9)
should gain weight from 11.5-16kg.
How to control weight in pregnancy?
Everyone wants this thing. It not only
helps your health but also helps you become obese in this period. If you gain
weight a lot in pregnancy, you can catch some diseases such as: pre- eclampsia,
premature birth, high blood pressure, diabetes…
Becoming pregnant is surely not the
suitable time for you to attend a strict diet to lose weight or exercises with
high intensity. Both of them can danger for mother and baby.

pregnant is surely not the suitable time for you to attend a strict diet to
lose weight.
According to research, to pregnant women
that are overweight, a diet with a little of calories, will reduce the risk of
developing high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.
Pregnancy includes 3 quarters. In the first
quarter, morning sickness is a phenomenon that many women spend. This thing is
also considered natural process of losing weight of pregnant women: you will
nauseate, not eat deliciously, vomit and it can make you lose energy.
However, you shouldn’t worry; your baby
will get enough energy that it needs. Women that are overweight have stored
energy, so you shouldn’t be too surprised if you recognize that you don’t gain
weight and your baby develops well.
You should ask your midwife or doctor to be
consulted a suitable nutritious diet so that it can ensure that you and your
baby are healthy and happy.

should ask your midwife or doctor to be consulted a suitable nutritious diet.
You should hide all foods that contain a
lot of sugar, energy: biscuit, sweet cake, candy, cream…They have low energy
value; however, charging these foods will make your blood sugar increase and
make the concentration of sugar in body increase.
Refer to expert’s idea, surely, you will
find a healthy diet and it can combine with a suitable exercise for doing
With this thing, you can improve health
about constitution of yourselves.
Scientists proved this thing through an
experiment that is researched as a model obese women catching pregnancy
diabetes. Doing exercise regularly, adding a healthy diet in pregnancy will
make these women gain weight less than having a diet that cannot control. In
conclusion, eating, drinking and doing exercise correctly will make women
reduce the risk of premature birth and the risk of bearing babies that are
How should you eat to help your children be
healthy and your weight be in controlled level?
Eat and drink suitably
You need to reduce starch, increase foods
containing a lot of substances, protein such as beef, shrimp, crab, fish…
Eating a lot of fruits and green vegetables
that are rich of vitamins such as apple, grapes, orange, mandarin… Besides
digesting easily, they also help women improve resistance and prevent
respiratory diseases in this sensitive period.
You shouldn’t eat too much in a meal. You
think that eating a lot will be good for children. However, in this case,
mothers will be obese and your children won’t gain weight appropriately.
Therefore, you should divide your meal into many small meals.
Do exercise regularly
If you just begin to attend to do exercise,
you should do exercises with simple movements such as walking, swimming, or
smooth aerobics.

exercise is very good for pregnant women.
Practicing in pregnancy not only helps
intensifies pregnant women’s health, helps fetus healthy but also helps
pregnant women avoid the state of gaining weight without controlling.