Pregnant women should avoid or eat
less fruits that bring hot feeling inside body.
Summer is the season of many delicious and
attractive fruits; however, pregnant women cannot eat all kinds of fruit. The following
fruits easily make body hot and pregnant women should pay attention to.
1. Longan
Longan is kind of fruit that is delicious,
sweet and scented. Many people like to eat it. However, pregnant women
shouldn’t eat this fruit a lot because pregnant women often have inside hot
symptom and they easily have constipation. Therefore, eating a lot of longans
will make body hotter, and make normal development of fetus disordered. As a
result, it will lead to bleeding and bellyache… If pregnant women eat a lot of
longans, it can harm fetus and leads to miscarriage.
2. Peach
Peach contains the plentiful content of Fe.
Moreover, it is also rich in protein, sugar, zinc, pectin… However, peach is a
kind of fruit that has hot feature. If pregnant women eat this fruit, they will
have the risk of bleeding. In addition, hair of peach can cause effect to
throat, and as a result, pregnant women easily have allergy, raspy throat. So,
pregnant women should pay attention not to eat a lot of peaches, especially
they should peel before eating to avoid hair of peach.

pregnant women eat this fruit, they will have the risk of bleeding.
3. Litchi
According to experience of the ancients,
litchi is a sweet fruit and it also makes look become more beautiful. However, pregnant
women shouldn’t eat comfortably because of this reason because litchi has high
content of sugar. So, it isn’t good for pregnant women that used to catch
diabetes as well as overweight. Moreover, pregnant women need to limit this
fruit and don’t provide for body a lot because it has hot feature.

isn’t good for pregnant women that used to catch diabetes as well as
4. Plum
Plum contains a lot of carotene and when
this substance goes into body, it will convert into vitamin A that is very good
for eyes. In addition, plum’s pip also contains a lot of necessary nutrients
for the body such as protein, fat, phosphor, Fe, potassium… that have effect on
However, pregnant women shouldn’t overuse
this kind of fruit because plum has hot feature. If pregnant women eat a lot,
it will make their body hot and as a result, they can easily break out in the
rash, have spot. It isn’t good for health of mothers and babies.
5. Guava
Guava is kind of fruit that many women like
to eat because of its delicious taste. However, hot – cool feature of guava
depends on variety. Some kinds of guava have a lot of water, less sweet, sour
and cool; however, if pregnant women eat without eliminate its peel, they can
have “side effect”: constipation. Some others have sweet taste, but they will
make your body hot inside if you eat a lot. Consequently, when pregnant women
choose to buy guava, they should choose guavas that make body hot less and the
best way is that they shouldn’t eat guava without eliminating peel.

– cool feature of guava depends on variety.
6. Custard-apple
Custard-apple is scented, its taste is very
sweet. It is sweet with a reasonable level and doesn’t cause greasy feeling in
eating, so many people like to eat it especially women; however, this sweet
taste and rounded figure are reasons that make body of people that like to eat
it hot. Therefore, pregnant women need to pay attention not to eat a lot of
7. Star apple
The weather is hot and muggy. An iced star
apple will be every delicious and cool for you when you go out and come back
home. However, star apple is a kind of fruit that has hot feature, so pregnant
women shouldn’t eat this fruit much. When you eat star apple, you should avoid
its peel because eating peel will cause constipation because it has a lot of
acrid substances.