Prenatal education by telling stories,
singing lullabies daily… will help fetuses soon recognize and connect to their
later time of life.
You should know that uteruses are narrow
playgrounds, though; they are very warm to fetuses. In the 10th week
of pregnancy, fetuses can move their arms and legs in the uteruses.
After they reach the 23th week of
pregnancy, they can listen and react to any tones of your voice (your laughs,
happy sounds, shouts or cries…). All can help children to gain their own
experiences and prepare them a new life after being born.

education by telling stories, singing lullabies daily… will help fetuses soon
recognize and connect to their later time of life.
Teaching children when there were in the
womb by telling them fairy tales, fables, your daily stories, letting them hear
gentle melodies or even having the conversations between you and your babies…
can help them to create their own ways to feel and experience in the womb.
Of course, you can teach them when they are
born but, you can’t underestimate teaching children in the womb. if you spend
times on teaching your fetuses, you will see many wonderful things happen.
Moreover, you children can have novel and stable developments.
What can fetuses learn in the womb?
At the end of second trimester, fetuses
start listening to signs around them, especially the connections between them
and their mothers which are close and sacred connections.
Additionally, fetuses can hear their
heartbeats and their mother’s, the breathing, voices of their mothers and even can
hear the noises of traffic very clearly when you’re traveling.
Many moms often let fetuses listen to
Mozart’s. Though it’s hard to have a baby born musically gifted like Mozart,
fetuses can be relaxed in the womb and after they are born.
You’ll see a wonderful thing that when
you’re playing a song or listening to a song with your fetuses, the heartbeat
of you and your babies increase together and the fetuses keep moving to show
you their excitements.
After fetuses are born, they’ll be relaxed
and stop crying if they listen to the songs that they are familiar to when they
were in the womb.

research showed that when mothers and fetuses listening to a song together,
especially when mothers in good moods, fetuses will get into the song and that
song can ease them.
A research showed that when mothers and
fetuses listening to a song together, especially when mothers in good moods,
fetuses will get into the song and that song can ease them.
This can be a melody of an advertisement,
or fables that you tell them every day. You’ll see that fetuses tend to
interact to the outside world.
Every sound around them will be memorized.
Even when they’re breastfed, they can still feel the amniotic juice in the
There’re many researchers confirm that the
close connections between mother and child (voices, pats) will help set up good
milk sources for breastfeeding in the future, making mothers and children can
get along well in breastfeeding.
Helping children to be smart and know how to love in the
Teaching them how to love: Love will go
with them from the day they’re in the womb till the later time.
The pats, comforts and mother voices will
foster children’s tenderness. That will help develop children’s personality.
Even in the womb, children have had connections to the feelings of their
mothers. Emotional expressions of mothers can directly affects children’s
psychological formations and developments in the future.
Helping children be more intelligent: By
tales, lullabies and gentle melodies… from mothers, fetuses will recognize and
connect to their future. Those seem to be signs for their keeping tract with
the new life in the future.
Prenatal educations in different countries
In Korea, pregnant women practice Taegyo
daily. The exercise will help them to educate children in the womb. They
believe that the exercise will help their future babies born with the necessary
skill, personalities and intelligence.

can bring benefits to pregnant women and their fetuses.
During pregnancy, women often play
instruments, tell stories, talk to fetuses and spend time on resting and doing
Pregnant women also have standard rules
about limiting negative behaviors, thoughts and actions in order to create the
best environments for fetuses. The rules include maintaining peaceful and happy
thoughts and having the best diets for them and their fetuses.
In France, prenatal educations are
developed by a Holland scientist – Franz Veldman. A prenatal education called
Haptonpmy is a technique directed by medical specialists to help pregnant women
and their fetuses to have much love and understanding on each other.
By telepathy, it’s believed that pregnant
women can make fetuses understand how important they are to their mothers and
their dearly families.