Orange, mandarin, grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, which
helps to develop the bones and gristles as well as blood vessels for the fetus
and increase the resistance for pregnant women.
3 first months are the stages pregnant women will have
strong physiological changes to adapt to the formation of the fetus. Therefore,
pregnant women should notice to have more “super-food” as mentioned below to
ensure the health for both mom and baby.
1. Spinach
Why you should eat
Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach are a source
having high vitamins, minerals and protein contents that’s essential for you.
Besides, spinach is also rich in folic acid, iron that help to develop the
nervous system of the baby and avoid fatigue during pregnancy.
Tips for women
“My fridge is always full of spinach. Every morning I mix
spinach with eggs and fry them or breakfast. Besides, I often have spinach and
strawberry smoothie. That’s easy to drink”.
2. Lentils
Why you should eat
The proteins in lentils support positively to the
development of the tissues and muscles of the fetus. Besides, lentils are rich
in fiber which avoids constipation for pregnant women.

Lentils are rich
in fiber which avoids constipation for pregnant women.
Tips for women
“Using lentils for cooking soup is so yummy. If you don’t
like soup, try making sandwich with lentils and spinach. I don’t know what will
happen to you when trying this, but I’m a big fan of this”.
3. Orange, mandarin, grapefruit
Why you should eat
Orange, mandarin and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C – a
kind of vitamin which helps to develop the bones and gristles as well as blood
vessels for the fetus and increase the resistance for the pregnant women. Besides,
acid folic in these foods reduces the risk of having neural tube defects, spina bifida for the
Tips for women
“I love grapefruit so I can’t stop peeling them and eat them
regularly, and my husband is unable to stop me. Every morning I have a glass of
orange juice. That’s delicious and nutritious. Adding oranges to fruit salad is
also tasty.”
Why you should eat
Almond contains antioxidants and
vitamins increasing the metabolic capabilities,
making pregnant women feel appetizing and being especially good for the
development of the fetus. Omega-3 in walnuts has the effect on
developing the brain for the baby.

Almond helps the
pregnant to feel appetizing and is especially good the development of the
Tips for women
“If you’re tired of chewing the seeds, you should grind
walnuts, almonds… and put them on yoghurt or cereal. You just can’t stop eating