Coffee, whether contains caffeine or not, can seriously
affect diabetics. Coffee has impacts on levels of hormones, and the ability to
increase stress hormones. Drinking coffee can raise the level of blood sugar in
diabetics, especially when drinking it with an empty stomach. High homocysteine
levels can increase the risk of health issues while a lack of minerals causes
impacts on other aspects of diabetic’s health. Despite the risk, there’re
potential benefits to people who haven’t been infected with diabetes at
Stress hormones

Coffee with
caffeine can increase stress hormones.
Coffee that has caffeine can increase stress hormones which
cause several chain reactions. Increases in heartbeat can raise blood pressure.
For the exchange, it reduces the efficiency of the circulation and reduces
supplies of oxygen for the brain and other parts. Besides, one of stress
hormones that rises up by caffeine consumption, epinephrine can reduce the
efficiency of insulin which is used to decrease blood sugar in diabetics.
Blood sugar
Caffeine reduces the ability to control blood sugar without
the help of insulin injections because it increases blood sugar. It causes
problems with the body’s ability to metabolize glucose successfully, which
leads to a higher level of blood sugar. Diabetics who have high levels of blood
sugar will receive the effects even when they consume caffeine in other foods.

Coffee, whether
contains caffeine or not, will increase homocysteine.
Coffee, whether contains caffeine or not, will increase
homocysteine. This higher level of amino acid is found presenting naturally in
blood and able to cause heart attack. A diabetic has high risk of a heart
attack and is especially vulnerable to the effect of coffee. Besides,
homocysteine also increase the risk of vision issues in diabetics.
Mineral deficiency
Coffee is a diuretic remedy, but can lead to an excess in
urination, which leads to the loss of important minerals. Besides, it reduces the
ability of diabetics in absorbing magnesium and calcium, which interferes with
many functions of the body, including the ability to metabolize glucose.
Basically, great absence of those minerals makes diabetes more apparent because
at the time, diabetics become resistant to insulin and have the ability to
process glucose limited.

People who are in
pre-diabetic period can take benefits from drinking coffee.
While coffee is proved to be a risk of health to current
diabetics, there’s information about people who are in pre-diabetic period can
take benefits from drinking coffee. Drinking coffee normally seems to delay or
prevent completely diabetes attacks for people in pre-diabetic period; though,
the exact reason of the phenomenon is still poorly understood.