Like what we all know, ginger is a root of Zingniber
Officinale, a plants that grows in Asia and Middle East. It’s one of the most
ancient and famous herbs in treating illness from digestive disorder to gout.
It is safe enough for pregnant women to use, while strong enough to treat
arthritis. Ginger can be used in many ways: be drunk as tea, taken in as a
supplement or eaten as a spice in food. It can also be used on a surface of a
body part as an oil compress or paste-like cream.

Ginger is one of
the most ancient and famous herbs in treating illness from digestive disorder to
Things you’ll need
Ginger root
Mortar and pestle

To make ginger
cream, we need a hand-size piece of ginger.
Wash a hand-size piece of ginger with warm water and dry it. Cut the
ginger into 1-inch pieces and wrap them in cheesecloth. Fill a big pot with
water and put the cheesecloth bag in it.
Heat the water in high heat till you see bubbles rising on the surface
of it. Don’t let the water boil; this will make take off some benefits of
ginger. Keep the heat at medium until you can pierce the ginger with a knife.
Take the ginger out of water and place them in a mortar. Crush the
ginger slowly and strongly till they become a paste-like mixture. It should be
thinner than oatmeal.
Add a bit honey if the ginger mixture is already thin. This also helps
the ginger cream stick on the skin.
Apply a bit of the ginger cream on affected areas when it is still warm.
Use the cream to treat arthritis, gout, joint and muscle pain. Ginger has been
used as anti-inflammatory agent. Cover hurt areas with a clean cheese cloth or
cotton cloth. Change the cream when it’s cool.