Tips To Treat Hair Loss By Using Garlic

Treating hair loss with garlic sounds a little strange and hasn’t been proved scientifically. However, there’re many people claiming that garlic does help them stop the hair loss. Garlic also has good effects on health, for example, reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, lowering the risk of blood blockages and decreasing pains resulted from arthritis.

Treating hair loss with garlic sounds a little strange and hasn’t been proved scientifically.

Things you’ll need

  • A small bowl
  • 1 table spoon of garlic juice
  • Garlic press
  • 1 table spoon of honey
  • Medium saucepan
  • 3 cups of water
  • 3 bags of chamomile tea
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 table spoon of aloe gel
  • Baby shampoo
  • Towel


Press about 4 gloves of garlic to make a table spoon of garlic juice.

  1. Press about 4 gloves of garlic to make a table spoon of garlic juice. Blend garlic juice with a table spoon of honey in a small bowl and put the bowl in the fridge.
  2. Boil 3 cups of water in the medium saucepan. Put the chamomile tea bags on the water and tune down the fire to low. Preserve the low heat for 30 minutes and stir regularly.
  3. Add 1 egg yolk and 1 table spoon of aloe gel in the combination of garlic juice and honey. Blend it well.
  4. Apply the mixture on your scalp. Use all of the mixture. Cover your head with a towel to preserve the moisture and prevent the mixture falling on your clothes. Wait 20 minutes.
  5. Wash your hair with baby shampoo or a similar shampoo. Wash your hair with chamomile tea.

Tips and warnings

See a doctor when you have hair loss.

Hair loss can be a sign of a disease, so you’d better see a doctor to make it clear.