Want to a happier, more fulfilling life? Try
this seven-day plan from life coach and happiness guru S. Pearl
We’re all looking for new ways to become
happier. But, often life seems so busy it is difficult to break free of your
day-to-day routine to create the time to be happy.
We do things we think will make us feel
better – buying new clothes, taking a holiday, planning nights out with friends
– looking outside ourselves for the answers. We think we’ll find happiness when
we have a new partner/house/money/better job. But the irony is that we pack our
lives so full of things to make us happy, we end up feeling tired, stressed and
often overwhelmed, says Susie Pearl, happiness guru and author of Instructions
for Happiness and Success (Quadrille, $20)

“Research on happiness shows it’s not the
external things in life, or getting through a big “to do” list that determines
your levels of happiness,” says Pearl. “The real issue relates to how you
manage your inner world – your mind as well as your emotions”
Hollywood happiness
In her previous career, Pearl spent many
years running a celebrity PR agency – working with top names in film and
entertainment. “I realized that many of them weren’t happy, despite being at
the top of their game with fame and great fortune,” says Pearl. “This set me
thinking that if high-end achievers are finding it hard to find happiness, with
all their buying power, what hope is there for the rest of us? I began a
journey to discover more about the nature of happiness. If money doesn’t buy
happiness, what is the secret?”
Authentic happiness and success
After studying the topic of happiness for
more than a decade, and working with the greatest mind gurus around the world,
Pearl has formulated a system for generating more authentic happiness in life.
“Happiness comes from inside our body – not outside,” she says. “This is the
first secret to realize. How you run your own emotions affects your level of
happiness dramatically. Being happy is a feeling and an experience. To boost
happiness, you need to begin by working on how you run your emotions and
patterns of thinking”
Pearl has created a seven-day happiness
plan especially for H&F. “To truly benefit from this plan, you must do the
exercise,” says Pearl. “Reading about it is one thing, but doing it actually
creates the shifts inside your body. Commit now to talking this seven-day
challenge, and to completing the exercises daily, and see how many areas of
your life improve. You’ll be surprised how such simple exercises can power up
transformation in your life”
The 7-day workout for happiness
Do these exercises every day for a week and
keep a journal, writing down the changes you notice in your life.
Day 1 mind your thinking
Your thoughts are astonishingly powerful,
so it’s important to keep them clearly focused on what you want – not what you
don’t want.
Pay attention to framing your ideas clearly
in the positive and speaking about what you want to create for a better life
experience. You can easily talk our selves “up” or “down” depending upon what
you choose to focus on and think about.
Try this exercise
Imagine today that everything you think
about – each individual thought – will create and form itself into your life
experience. So be mindful of what you are saying and thinking. When negative
thoughts come along, notice them, acknowledge them and then let them pass –
swapping them for a better thought, this time framed in the positive.
Talk about what you do want, not what
you don’t want.
Day 2 feel happiness from the inside out
The route to happiness begins within. How
you feel and handle your emotions dictates the level of happiness that you
experience. No one has the power to make you feel a certain way – you decide
how you feel inside. You’re running your own emotions – no one else.
Try this exercise
Notice how you feel through the day. Try to
create good feelings and make sure that you feel strong and optimistic hour by
hour. Notice when things come along that would normally annoy you, and aim at
stay neutral. This takes practice. Try activating a stronger, more positive
response, such as laughing. By not allowing your emotional level to dip when a
problem comes along, it’s possible to keep yourself feeling better for longer.
Become aware that your emotions are your
own responsibility – make them strong and in the positive.
Day 3 know what you want
When I begin working with people. I’m
amazed that many people don’t know how to answer this question: “What do you
really want?” In order to find our happiness and live a life of joy, you need
to know what your goals are and where you want to go.
Try this exercise
Take a look at these questions, and write
down the first ideas that spring to mind:
What do I really want to make happen in my
life right now?
Which areas do I want to change?
What things can I do without now in my
What’s been stopping me making the changes
I want to make?
Write down your answers and then write
three steps to resolve each of them:
Being clear about what you want is the
first step. The happiest people know that what they want and walk toward that
Day 4 take simple steps to your goals
Now you’ve started thinking clearly about
what you want, it’s time to make a plan to take some simple steps towards your
Try this exercise
List seven simple steps you are going to
take to get closer to your goals
Step 6…………………………………….………………………………………………………………….
Get specific, put in timelines to do each
of these steps and make notes in your diary. Keep a record of what’s working –
and what’s not.
Getting happier involves taking some
simple steps towards your goals. Keep it simple and achievable.