Day 5 detox your mind
Many of us have unhelpful negative
programmes running through our mind that limit our happiness and success. These
can be along the lines of “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not thin/ pretty enough”,
”I haven’t got time”, “I don’t have enough money to do what I want and so on.
There are plenty of routes you can find to give yourself reasons not to be
happy. In truth, many of obstacles you put in your own way can be shifted.
You need to brush up on your mind programming
and banish the negative programmes that are holding you back from the happiness
you want.
Try this exercise
One quick and easy way to do a mind detox
is to change the story you’re telling yourself and other people.
Write down here the negative and limiting
stories that you prone to tell yourself (eg your weight, problem relationships,
job, no time, family commitments, a run of bad luck)
Now decide that you are going to drop this
story with immediate effect and tell a new better story.
Write down a new and positive story to
start telling
My new story will be
Begin the change today – turn the story you
tell into a better one.
Notice when you tell a new and better
story, you feel different. When you feel different, the shift in your emotions
will improve and you’ll get a better outcome.
To feel happier, swap smiles and laughs
– not gossip and bad stories
Day 6 clean sweep
Today, we’re going to concentrate on
cleaning up your environment. Are there people around you who constantly bring
you down? You all know those people who can really make you feel bad. They
might want to trade gossip, criticize and only talk about things that are going
wrong. Negative friends and family can bring you down faster than anything.
Try this exercise
Pay attention to the effect that other
people have on you. If there are individuals who are gossiping, making you feel
bad or generally bringing you down, notice this tendency and take some active
steps to make some changes. Either move away from these energy zappers or make
a positive decision not to be affected by others’ emotions and attitudes. If
the people who bring you down are work colleagues, find a way to politely
swerve from the negative conversations as much as possible and not get
Notice how other people make you feel – and
head towards the ones who make you feel good.
Top tip for happiness: Change your inner
voice – make it kinder, softer and more positive. This will change your world
and instantly improve your happiness.

Choose a different response: try
activating a strong, more positive emotion, such as laughing
Day 7 gratitude and appreciation
Happiness research shows that people who
are happiest are those who demonstrate a high level of gratitude and
appreciation for what they already have. Those who live in poorer communities
often score higher on the happiness research index than those in the western
world, despite the West’s wealth and resources.
To develop deeper levels of happiness, it’s
important to begin by boosting your appreciation of what you do have – this
might be friends, health. Community, food, sunshine, a chance to walk in nature
– it doesn’t matter what it is. When you feel true gratitude in life and deep
appreciation, your real feelings of happiness soar.
Try this exercise
List seven of life’s simple things you are
grateful for in your life today.
List the people whom you deeply appreciate
in your life
List three random acts of kindness that you
could do this week to make others happy
Notice what you are grateful for day by
7 quick tips to happiness
- Feel good on the inside, whatever is
going on outside.
- You can choose your response to life
events – so choose a positive frame.
- True health and happiness comes from
learning to feel good regularly and sustain this as your default emotion.
- Look for the good all around – you get
what you look for
- Your life is amazing – plan for the
extraordinary and expect things to turn out well – having positive
expectations helps create positive outcomes.
- Being kind to others boosts your own
happiness fast
- Love your mind, love your body, love who
you are now