If you’re going natural with your beauty
products, don’t forget your teeth. Green People toothpaste is free from SLS,
parabens and artificial sweeteners, and is packed with aloe vera and other
oral-friendly ingredients.
$5.5, greenpeople.com

People toothpaste
Sleep tight
A poor night’s sleep can put your
weight-loss plans in the slow lane, as well as leaving you feeling more than a
little grizzly the next day! We’ve been sleeping on Mammoth Mattress’s
Performance mattress for a few months now and the high-spec technology in the
foam not only sends us off into the land of Nod pronto, unlike other foam
mattresses it keeps you cool, too. Who doesn’t want to sleep like a baby? We’re
From $ 1325, mammothmattress.com
Fishy business
MyProtein Omega-3 Liquid is high in EPA and
DHA to ensure you get plenty of heart-health and brain-boosting benefits. Its
flavor (orange or strawberry) is subtle, but strong enough to banish that fishy
$7.5, myprotein.com
Tummy tuck
Need a little help getting that
pre-pregnancy tum back? The Bamboo Belly Bandit helps whittle your waist back
to normal and supports your posture.
$115, bellybandit.com
3 of the best… Coconut treats

The super-healthy coconut has endless uses.
organic coconut baking flour
This flour is perfect for making
gluten-free, low-carb and high-fibre baked treats.
$9, tiana.eu
virgin coconut oil soap bar
The nourishing benefits of coconut oil in a
gorgeous tropical-scented soap
$5.5, coconutty.com
mango coconut water
All the hydrating goodness of coconut water
– with a really yummy mango twist
$3.9, Tesco and Waitrose