Your body can change a lot after pregnancy.
Those are changes of the body after pregnancy.
The following body changes after pregnancy
is normal physical conditions. Women should know about them in order to not be
so worried and have the health negatively affected.
Changes of the body after pregnancy
retention in uterus
It doesn’t matter whether you have
caesarean or normal birth, you still have an amount of fluid from the vagina
remaining in uterus. The fluid is red at first, then turns to brown and white
gold finally. In about 10 days after the birth, there’s a big amount of fluid
and it will gradually decrease in the next 6 months.
The uterus will gradually get back to the
normal form, so there’ll be contractions making you hurt and uncomfortable.
However, you shouldn’t be so worried about it because those contractions will
happen in low level and when you do breastfeeding: that oxytocin hormones
stimulate your uterus leads to contractions when breastfeeding.

will be contractions to push the fluid out during the time of breastfeeding.
If the contractions happen more usually and
get worse, they can cause blood loss.
floor muscle
The vagina will gradually get back to its
normal form, so does the pelvic floor muscle. You can make the process get
faster by taking pelvic floor muscle exercises regularly as soon as possible
after pregnancy.
The vagina, labium and perineum often skin
over fast. In the case there’re wounds from cutting perineum or more serious
wounds, it’ll take longer time to come over it, especially two first weeks
resting in bed and more supports in treating processes. Stiches done during the
treating process can cause pains to patients for a several days or weeks.
The pelvic floor muscle exercises can help
reduce selling and increase the speed of healing of your perineum. If you have
to suffer from overwhelming pains, you can take Paracetamol (within
prescriptions) or cold gel packs to reduce the swelling and pains.
After birth, your breast will secrete a bit
of young milk. This is the first milk drops containing antibodies able to
prevent children from infections. After few days, your breast start discharging
milk and you feel your breast hot and a bit swelled.
After pregnancy, women can have hair loss,
which is a normal physical situation, so don’t be so worried about it. There’re
over 90% women suffer from the same problem after pregnancy. In general, it’ll
be gone after 4-9 months.

over 90% of women having hair loss after pregnancy.
After pregnancy, the level of progesterone
hormone in the body will decrease, though; it still can affect the joints in 6
months later. For that reason, you should do gentle exercise regularly in the
early months after pregnancy. You shouldn’t rush in doing hard exercises to get
back on shape.
How long to get back on shape after pregnancy?
This question is in many women’s concern.
In a few days after pregnancy, your body can lose weight easily. You’ll find it
easier to get back on shape if the blood circulations get back to normal and
the uterus shrinks.
However, the weight losing tends to get
slow. The excess fat will be remained for a while because after pregnancy, you
need to provide yourself with nutrients to be healthy enough for the
You’ve spent 9 month on pregnancy, so your
body needs an equivalent amount of time to get back on shape. The weight loss
after pregnancy can’t be carried out hastily because it can affects the health
of you and your child.
You should start with gentle exercises
dedicated for the pelvis and abdominal muscles when your health can afford
them. Those exercises can help the abdominal area soon get recovery and prevent
you from backache.
The diets and regular exercises are
important. The simple exercises like walking or exercise classes for women
after pregnancy are good options for you. With a bit of determination, your
body will soon get back on shape.

spent 9 month on pregnancy, so your body needs an equivalent amount of time to
get back on shape.
Notes of taking care of the body after pregnancy
This is the good time for your health to
recovery. You’re going to be busy with breastfeeding and taking care of your
child, so you’d better get yourself some rests as much as possible.
After 6 weeks, you should see a doctor for
a checkup. If you have any problem like pains from the stitches, ask your
doctor for solutions.
Doctors recommend you to do the
breastfeeding for at least 6 months so that after you stop doing that, the
prolactin will decrease and your breast can get back on normal shapes and
Many women are afraid of getting their
breast worse from the breastfeeding. However, changes on the breast are from
the inside effects of the body and happen during pregnancy; they have no
relations with the breastfeeding.
Women should take shower daily and keep the
body hygiene. If you have caesarean or episiotomy wound, you should ask medical
staff about the right way to clean it. You should clean the breast and nipples
when showering and not apply shower gel on the nipples as it can make nipple
skin dry.