Coffee is a popular drink. However, if you
drink it in a wrong way, it can bring unexpected disadvantages to your health.
The following information is the pros and
cons of drinking coffee.
As caffeine in coffee can stimulate the
central nervous system of the brain, help people be sound of mind, refresh the
brain and improve work effectiveness. All are the reasons why many office
workers can’t live without coffee.

in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system of the brain.
Prevent oxidation
Caffeic acid and Chlorogenic acid in coffee
have the ability to prevent oxidation, remove free radicals and delay aging.
Moreover, some researches claim that the antioxidant effects of coffee can be
compared with green tea.
Diuretic benefit and edema prevention
Caffeine makes kidneys produce more urine,
which helps discharge the toxic products from the body. At the same time,
coffee, especially black coffee, brings considerable diuretic benefits and
remove edema.
Weight loss
Coffee can stimulate the metabolism and
decrease the temperature, so it can help people lose weight.
Antidepressant effects
Coffee can make people happy, energetic as
well as improve depression.
Diabetes prevention
Caffeine can increase sugar blood in a
while and the sensitiveness of insulin in the body, prevent the developments of
type 2 diabetes.

brings many benefits but, it will harm the health if it’s used in the wrong
Anticancer effects
According to a research carried by Harvard
University, people who drink coffee usually can decrease 50% the risk of
breast, colon and prostate cancers. The effect can be due to the high level of
antioxidants in coffee.
Coffee brings many benefits for people,
though; it can harm your health if being overused.
An additive factor
People who drink coffee usually are
addicted to coffee and can’t be focused without drinking a cup of coffee. If
you quit coffee, it can cause symptoms like headache, fatigue, neglectfulness
and depression.
Coffee can cause calcium deficiency and
lead to osteoporosis. Hence, women who often drink coffee should take notice of
providing calcium.
The risk of myocardial infarction
Caffeine can cause sugar blood imbalance (hypoglycemia),
weak heartbeat, sweating, stress and heart attack.
If women often drink a great amount of
coffee, there’ll be more chances they have myocardial infarction.
Coffee can stimulate gastric juice
secretion and increase stomach acid. Therefore, drinking too much coffee will
lead to stomach discomfort.

can stimulate gastric juice secretion and increase stomach acid.
Fetal abnormalities
Coffee can cause fetal abnormalities, so
pregnant women shouldn’t drink coffee.
Conception difficulties
As coffee contains caffeine, it affects the
chance of conception in women.
How much coffee is enough?
Coffee is a popular drink. Therefore, it
isn’t supposed to be avoided completely. However, you shouldn’t drink more than
2 cups of coffee a day.
You can drink coffee in the morning or before
doing exercise.
You shouldn’t drink coffee right before doing
tests or interview.
You shouldn’t drink coffee right after
eating to avoid bad effects on digestion. Do not drink coffee after 2pm to
avoid sleeping disorders. People you easily get stressed; women in
premenopausal, people have hypertension, diabetes should choose coffee that is
removed from caffeine.