Holding anger back is good for health.
Pick up the phone after 5 second ringing.
These 5 short seconds can decrease the electromagnetic radiation’s effects on
the brain. When picking up the phone right after it rings, the signaling system
isn’t ready yet and has the most power of electromagnetic radiation. At that
time, if you hold the phone near your ear, the radiation will affect the brain.

you hold the phone near your ear, the radiation will affect the brain.
Wait for 10 second before releasing the
anger. Life is full of stress and people get finding it harder to keep
themselves controlled. When you have to face with anger, hold it for 10 second
and let the temper gradually fade away. Men are often stressed and angry and
have the risk of mental illness 3 times higher than women do.
You should spend 1 minutes each hour in
squatting because it can help your thighs’ and abdomen’s muscles be stretched
and you can do some practices when doing jobs that requires lots of sits.

waking up, you should wait for 2 minutes before sitting up.
When waking up, you should wait for 2
minutes before sitting up. Among cases of stroke and sudden death, there’re 25%
of patients who suffer from those situation in the early morning. Therefore,
when waking up, you shouldn’t rush to sit up but stay in the bed for 2-3
minutes and sit up instead. According to professional, suddenly changing the
lying position to the sitting one or even standing up will make the blood
pressure change rudely and lead to acute hypoxia. In the case, patients are
easy to fall or groggy.
Spend 30 minute having lunch and dinner. If
you often save time by spending less time for the meals, your life expectancy
will get less. Specialists recommend that you should have breakfast in 15-20
minutes, lunch and dinner in 30 minutes.

should have breakfast in 15-20 minutes
Spend 5 relaxing minutes for eyes. Every
day, no matter how busy you are, you should remember to spend 5 minutes for eye
rest. Open the eye, walk out of the office and spread your view to
indetermination. This is the simplest way to rest the eyes.
Deep the feet into the water for 20 minutes
before sleep. It can help improve blood circulation, reduce tiredness and be