Practically, there’re some daily foods that
can help us prevent depression.
In a modern society, big pressure from
jobs, life, and learning… will make people depressed easily. Depression is not
only a psychological matter, but also an important factor that leads to many
other diseases and seriously effects on the human health.

modern life makes people depressed easily.
Practically, there’re some daily foods that
can help us prevent depression.
The diet has close connection to some
diseases, such as heart diseases, obesity, and diabetes. However, what we eat
also play an important part in the brain’s development: a unhealthy diet can
increase the risk of mental illnesses and neuropathies, such as depression and
dementia while a healthy diet can prevent it all.
Too much cholesterol is the main factor
causing heart diseases and stroke. However, if the level of cholesterol is too
low, it will make the body tired and the diseases become permanent in the long
run. Moreover, it’s one of those reasons of mental disorders. Therefore, you
should take notice of maintaining a normal level of cholesterol in you daily
In addition, fish oil is a good source on
unsaturated fat. A medical research has proved that fish oil can affect heart
diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal cancer, psoriasis, and cause
rheumatoid arthritis

a modern life, it’s easy for anyone to have depression.
According to scientists, polyphenols,
specifically anthocyanins, which are found in fruits that have dark colors and
vegetables can slow down the memories decrease by antioxidants and
anti-inflammatory substances. The anthocyanins in berried also reduce the risk
of heart diseases by reducing oxidation and genetic inflammatory symptoms.
Vitamins and minerals
Vitamins are necessary materials for all of
biochemical processes of the body. Vitamins include vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1,
B2, B3, B6, B12, carotene, folic acid… Every organ in the body needs different
nutrients. Besides, there’re many minerals, such as: calcium, magnesium,
selenium and zinc, which shouldn’t be ignored. To women, they need a bigger
amount of phosphorus, calcium and iron to prevent osteoporosis and depression
after menopause.
More than 80% of human body is formed by
water. Water is the primary environment for all of the body’s functions. If you
want to be healthy and have in good mood, you should drink more water to
improve the excretion of waste products, refresh the body and mind and reduce

is the primary environment for all of the body’s functions.
The manifestation of depression
Not as specific as inflammation, fever and
depression are indefinite body states which vary people from people.
Nonetheless, there’re some typical manifestations like when you feel sad,
disappointed, easily cry and unhappy for no typical reason.
Gradually losing interests in life, and even in
Feeling useless, guilty and to be of no
Used to think about death or have suicide
Used to have insomnia or nocturnal fainting
Losing appetite or eating habit disorder that
leads to uncontrollable increase or decrease in weight.
Usually having unreasonable fatigue.
Finding it hard to focus on thinking and to make
Having body aches that normal painkiller
treatment can’t afford.
Having insecurity and agitation feelings, get
angry easily.
If you recognize
that you have any of those symptoms repeating frequently in more than 2 weeks,
you need to see a mental health specialist.