Bringing a new baby home is not thing that
happens every day. There are few things that new parents should do to prepare
to bring their baby home. With a little planning, you can bring your baby home
Things that you will need
Car seat
Wear weather appropriate clothing for your baby.
Prepare clothing before. If your baby is born on the variable weather time
period, buy two kinds of clothing to choose. You should bring clothing for
premature babies and clothes 0 to 3 sized clothing because you will not know
the size of your newborn baby before your baby is born. You don’t need to buy
eye-catching clothing; something simple will be easier to wear your newborn.

a new baby home is not thing that happens every day
Install the car seat correctly. Installing the car seat
before the due date will be very helpful. You should install the car seat to
follow the instructions in the documentation. After following the instructions,
you should take the seat to a certified car technician to make sure it is
installed correctly.
Make sure your baby has the place to sleep. Choose
a crib or bassinet. You should wash blankets before you leave for the hospital.
You may want to put your baby down as soon as you go home.

weather appropriate clothing for your baby
You should buy 2 sizes of diapers. Because babies
vary in size, having 2 sizes of diapers is very important. This prevents having
to bring your baby to the store on the way home from the hospital and exposing
her before many different bacteria.

Save important phone numbers in your phone. Make
sure you can easily contact your pediatrician, an emergency room and a
dietitian if you are breastfeeding. This helps you prevent from searching for
business cards or flipping the yellow pages to find these phone numbers when
you need them most.
Take pets out of your house or place them at a
neighbor’s house. This makes parents comfortable with their baby in their
house. Having animals away from the baby makes the introduction become easier.