Are you drinking green tea? If you’re not, you should! There’re
lots of benefits you can get from drinking green tea, as it truly improve your
health, indeed. Green tea leaves are made from Camellia. Chinese and Japanese
use green tea as a curing herb. They’re used it for centuries. You should drink
green tea each day, as it can make you stronger and healthier.
Use green tea to lose weight.
Green tea increases the speed of calorie burning of the
body. Catechin lets your body reduce fat. Green tea helps to prevent obesity
and maintain body weight. Lots of people lose their weight thanks to drinking
green tea. Green tea is recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Green tea
increases the speed of calorie burning of the body.
Help you reduce the risk of cancer
Researches have shown that it helps to fight against
stomach, lung, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancer. Prostate cancer in Asia
countries where lots of people drink green tea has decreased significantly.
Antioxidants act like an anti-cancer substance. Green tea prevents cancer cells
from multiplying.

Researches have
shown that it helps to fight against stomach, lung, breast, pancreatic and
prostate cancer.
Offer a healthier immune system
I discover myself that thanks to drinking green tea, I rarely
catch the flu, nasal congestion, or any kinds of diseases. Theanine fights
against contamination. It’s goof to use for those who’re being sick. It
prevents all kinds of diseases from infecting your immune system.
Watch if it is helps with diabetes
Whether it can help for diabetes is not confirmed. Some
announce that it has helped them. However, it helps to reduce blood pressure.
Whether it can
help for diabetes is not confirmed.
Let you be more focused, improve awareness
Theanine increases the networks of blood vessels that work
for the brain. It also affects the neurotransmitters of the brain.
Help you fight against cardiovascular diseases
It reduces the level of cholesterol that is bad to the
heart. It helps to reduce blood pressure. Dinking green tea reduces the ability
of dying due to heart attack.
Advice and warnings
Drink 2-3glassses/day
Can be drunk hot or cold
There’s caffeine and caffeine-free tea for your choice
You can add a bit of honey in your tea, or buy tea containing
honey. It smells pretty tasty.