Unfortunate reality shows not every marriage is happy.
Pressure from work, money, children and life in general might cause direct
affect to your marriage. If your husband is not happy at home, he can change his
behavior when talking about his difficulties. The signs might be lacking of
communication, not usually staying at home, and not interested in sex life.
He never stays at home

He avoids spending
time at home
If your husband devotes himself to work, there are no
worries about having extra works sometimes. However, if it happens too often,
at weekend, and he leaves home before you get up in the morning, it might a
sign shows he is not happy. Avoid spending time at home does not mean he is
having an affair, clearly conclusion, but it shows he needs space and time to
stay away from you.
He stops communicating

He does not want
to communicate anymore
Communication and expressing feelings are two most important
features in a happy marriage, and when it decreases, it could never be a good
sign. A healthy communication includes sharing feelings, telling how your day
was, sharing dreams and targets. If he tells you to shut up and keep silence
about his thought or need, it can be a sign he is not happy at home.
He shows no interest in sex

He has not touched
you for a long time
A healthy sex life is very necessary to keep a happy
marriage. There is no need to worry about the fluctuating within
the specified period, but it is not good if he is not interested in sex with
you at all. If he does not touch you for a very long time, take chance to get
close to him. If he refuses, you should be worried.
Threaten to leave

He said he needed
some space
Argument in marriage is completely normal, but when they
cross the limit, this should be considered. So during that time, your husband
starts saying “I do not know if I can do this any longer” or “we should have
some space”, that can be a sign he is not satisfied and thinking about divorce
or separation. Sometimes, one couples use this kind of language or drama, but
it can show a more serious problem.