The Sun emits ultraviolet (UVA and UVB), which can cause
damage if you are not protected carefully. Radiation from the sun can cause
sunburn, cataracts, premature aging, weakened immune system and skin cancer. According
to the Centers for Disease Control, “Skin cancer is the most
common form of cancer in the United States”. To protect yourselves from the
dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation, you have to protect your skin from
the sun, especially in a place without much sun shade.

can protect your skin effectively.
1. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors. Choose a sunscreen
with broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB radiation. Make sure its Sun
Protection Factor (SPF) is at least 15. Check the expiration date to ensure the
cream can be used. Use 1 ounce to cover all your bare skin. Repeat every 2
hours or after swimming or sweating.

Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors
2. Choose long-sleeved shirt and long pants to cover yours arms and legs.
Choose tightly woven fabrics with dark colors to block out the radiation. Check
the fabric to make sure it is tightly woven: Put it before the light; if you
can see through, it means UV can penetrate it, and vice versa. Because unbleached
cotton fabrics contain substances that absorb ultraviolet light
called lignins, choose them. Buy clothes which are treated with chemical
ultraviolet absorbers and UV index.
3. Use a wide-brimmed hat to cover your face, neck and ears from the sun.
Ensure your hat is made of tightly woven materials, such as canvas, to
block out the sunlight. Choose the dark hats, as they provide
better protection than the lighter ones. Look for above-30 of UPF hats.
4. Wear sunglasses can protect your eyes from cataracts and retinal
degeneration. Ensure glasses provide 99 to 100% coverage against
UVA and UVB radiation. Choose large glasses with a protective material to
protect your eyes better.

Wear sunglasses can protect your eyes from cataracts and retinal
5. Look for cosmetics with sunscreen capabilities available - from
lotions, facial moisturizer to lipstick. They must be at least SPF 25. Cover
them with sunscreen to reduce harmful effects from the solar radiation.