If breast cancer is not detected and intervened timely, it
will spread into blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, diaphragm and other organs
of the body, causing many serious complications that threat human life. Ten discoveries
below are very new things about the disease mentioned above.
There are four types of breast cancer
According to the research that is published in the latest
issue of Nature, especially through genetic analysis, the scientists discover
that there are four different types of breast cancer. This is the research
result of cooperation between Washington Medical University and Siteman Cancer
Center. According to a leader of the research group, the discovery above is
very unique about the relationship between cancer and genetics. Thanks to that
discovery, people will find the cures for each individual in the future.
Breast cancer in men is more dangerous than in women
According to experts of American Breast Cancer Surgery
Association (ASBS), men have the lower incidence of breast cancer than women
but the level of risk is higher. If detected early and treated promptly, the
men’s longevity is also two years shorter than women although the detecting
time is same. In addition, the level of breast cancer metastasis in men is more
quickly. So, if you have the abnormal signs, you should go to see the doctor as
soon as possible.
Cadmium - the culprit that makes breast cancer increase
Cadmium is a transition metal that is relatively rare, soft,
bluish white and high toxicity. It is in zinc ores and is used to produce
batteries. This is a heavy metal, which sometimes presents in foods, especially
fish, vegetables, cereals ….American Journal of Cancer Research with the study
in 56,000 women showed that people with cadmium-rich diet have the risk of
breast cancer 21%higher than women with normal or low levels of cadmium diets.

In 2013,
scientists discovered rice containing cadmium in Guangzhou, China
Little sleep - the culprit that makes breast cancer increase
Journals of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment showed that
women sleep less than 6 hours one night, especially postmenopausal group, will
have the highest rate of breast cancer; while premenopausal group does not have
this negative effect. Especially, the more you lose sleep, the more quickly the
tumor grows. So, sleep is considered to be the increased risk of breast cancer,
everyone needs to pay attention to sleep and tries to sleep 7-8 hours every
Smallpox Virus is the savior of breast cancer patients?
At the Annual Clinical Meeting of the American Surgery
College, the scientists published new research about the prospects for the
treatment of breast cancer of smallpox virus. According to the research, after
treatment with Smallpox virus therapy, at least 60% of tumors were suppressed
and 40% had the signs of necrosis. The triple-negative breast cancer is a
disease that is difficult to treat because it does not respond to the
procedures of hormonal treatment or immunity.
Night work easily gets breast cancer
Journal of Occupational Environment and Medicine (OEM)
showed that women who work all night have higher risk of breast cancer,
especially those who work all night twice a week. In addition to this research,
many prestigious medical journals over the world also confirmed this thing like
the Toronto Sun in Canada, or International Journal of Cancer (IJC).
Accordingly, the group of women working all night has the risk for breast
cancer 30% higher than the traditional working group, especially, the more you
work all night, the higher you have the risk of breast cancer.

Night work easily
gets breast cancer
Bra size may increase the risk of disease
First, the genome of the body decides the breast size. This
conclusion is published in the journal of BMC Medical Genetics after finishing
the studies in 16,000 women. In the study, the scientists also found seven DNA
variations that are named the single - nucleotide polymorphisms, abbreviated
SNP. Accordingly, if people have three SNP, they have the risk of breast cancer
higher than those who do not have these variations.
Doing exercise can reduce the risk of disease
According to the research of North Carolina University,
exercising little, but steadily every day may help women reduce the risk of
breast cancer, especially the group of postmenopausal women. On average,
exercising 10-19 hours a week has a 30% reduction of breast cancer compared to
people that do not exercise.

Doing exercise can
reduce the risk of breast cancer
Type 2 diabetes may increase breast cancer
The experts of International Prevention Research Institute
(IPRI) has recently completed long-term research and found that postmenopausal
women if infected with type 2 diabetes have the high risk of cancer breast.
Diabetes impacts directly on the operations and functions of hormones and makes
the tumors grow quickly.
Obesity goes with breast cancer
Obesity not only reduces the beauty but also affects the
health, including the increased risk of breast cancer. People are treating
breast cancer if they have obesity, and the effect of drugs will also be
reduced. Their recovery time will be longer and the risk of mortality is higher
compared to those who have normal weight. For this reason, people who whether
get sick or not should also maintain the weight of the body at a reasonable
level by eating reasonably and doing exercise regularly.