Picking sleepwear, undies and footwear during
pregnancy is very important to expectant mothers.
Clothes for pregnancy not only beautify
mothers but also play an important role for their health and babies. So, what
must be taken into account when pregnant women pick these kind of wearing? We
have some tips here.
Sleep is essential for expectant mothers.
In the first quarter of pregnancy, you
totally can get along with usual clothes as long as they are a little loose and
suitable for you.
In the second quarter, you should buy some
additional clothes made of soft cotton. They must be loose enough to comfort
you during sleep or you may take advantage of old maternity dresses from
relatives and friends.

is essential for expectant mothers.
Pick undies
old ones
In the first quarter, you are able to use
usual underwear as breast and belly haven’t developed much yet. You only should
stay away from pants and bras that feature hard frame and thick cushion.
In the second quarter, you ought to buy new
types specialized for the pregnant. They come in larger size, quite
comfortable. Just buy some because they will soon become unfit when the size of
your chest and belly grow.
In the third quarter, you are recommended
to replace old undies. At then, womb has developed bigger; you should choose those
which are fittest and most comfortable.
Besides, in the fourth or fifth month, your
chest size would develop fast. Thus, it’s advised to select extra-size undies
featuring high elasticity, ventilated material and ability of penetrating
Avoid fashionable bras showing thick
cushion or hard frame. They will drive you to gasp for breath. Bras having thin
cushion, cotton layer, simple patterns and buttons lying close to breast’s
front would be handy during both pregnancy and feeding-period.
Too tight bras cause you to fell pained in
chest plus affect the ability of producing milk. On the contrary, too loose
ones cause you difficulty as well as make your breast flabby.
It’s advisory to pick undies featuring
suitable size for the developing womb. There are 2 types: brief and bikini. Though,
this may vary for different women.

advisory to pick undies featuring suitable size for the developing womb.
Cotton-made panties are good at penetrating
sweat and preventing gynecological problem.
Tight panties keep sweat, creating
opportunity for bacteria to grow.
Don’t be miserly when buying underwear. Low-quality models easily get damaged
and increase your chance of getting gynecological diseases.
Choose footwear
Most women prefer high-heels as they
enhance their beauty. Though, put them in your closet because they may cause
you to slip during use.
It’s advised to choose sturdy and
comfortable footwear with flattened bottom. If your foot gets swollen, you
should pick those featuring extra size.