Besides many changes in pregnancy, changing
the way of bathing is also important because it affect fetus’s health directly.
Bath’s temperature
Pregnant women shouldn’t take a bath with
too hot temperature because it will cause injury for nerve cells and make them be
reduced a lot.
Although it is summer, pregnant women
shouldn’t bathe with too cold water. When you bathe with cold water and the
weather is hot, your body’s temperature will change suddenly. As a result, you
easily catch cold and have got flu.
You should maintain temperature with a
suitable rate. You can try water by using elbow to check and make your body wet
from below part to above to help your body get acquainted with temperature’s
Hair washing
Doctors advise pregnant women not to sit on
their heels or stand for a long time, movement of washing hair can affect below
womb if you sit.

women shouldn’t sit on their heels to wash their hair.
If possible, you should go to store to have
your hair washed, especially when your belly becomes bigger or you can wash
hair at home with someone’s help while you are lying. Water’s temperature that
is used to wash hair is not too hot or too cold.
Time for bath
In pregnancy, pregnant women’s body is very
tired, so they are very excited about bath. When they take a bath, they will
feel comfortable, relaxed and eliminate tiredness.
However, bathroom’s space is narrow;
moreover, water’s temperature will make capillary dilate. In addition, there
isn’t enough blood to provide for brain and it will affect the fetus. You
should bathe in a period as short as possible and the maximum time is 15
Shower is encouraged
Doctors advise pregnant women should take a
shower instead of using bathtub because soaking your body in water in a long
time will make bacteria break into your vagina; it will cause inflammation,
affect fetus and lead to premature birth.

pregnancy, pregnant women shouldn’t bathe in tub.
When you take a shower, water jet will
massage your tired skin and you will feel more comfortable.