Weight gain during pregnancy mainly depends
on height and weight of women before getting pregnant.
How much weight should you gain?
If you are underweight, gain from 12-18 kg.
If you have normal weight, gain from 11-15
If you are overweight, gain from 6-11 kg.
If you are obese, you have to follow
doctor’s instruction but should gain only from 6-9 kg.
If you have twins, you should gain from
16-20 kg.

should pregnant women gain much weight?
How to eat for two people during pregnancy?
On average, pregnant women need 300 extra
calories per day. Remember to provide the body with this energy by eating 1-2
snacks such as a bowl of cereals rich in cellulose and milk or fruit yogurt.
Even if you do not want to eat, especially
when you are having a morning sickness, you still have to try. Studies have
shown that women having poor weight gain will have high risk of delivering
premature babies or underweight babies. Underweight babies have high risk of
death or problems on physical and mental development.

the first stage of pregnancy, pregnant women should gain only from 1.5-2kg.
When should pregnant women gain weight the most?
According to obstetric experts, in the
first phase of pregnancy, pregnant women should gain from 1.5-2kg if having
normal body weight. If you are underweight, you should gain 2.5kg but should
gain only 1kg if you are an overweight woman.
In the second and third quarters of
pregnancy, your weight starts to increase quickly. Normal body weight women
gain half of kg a week from week 14-28. Underweight women should gain much more
weight during this time. Overweight women should limit the weight gain to
200-300g/week. The weight gain also decreases in week 9 from 500g-1kg while the
body is preparing for giving birth.
How to get back the body form after giving birth?
Breast-feeding is the best for both mother
and baby. Breast-feeding promotes weight loss of mother during 6 months after
pregnancy and finally getting back the early body form during the next years by
doing exercises and having a balanced diet.

is the best for both mother and baby.