Summer is the time parents usually take
their children to go swimming to get cooler and healthy exercise. However, many
people don’t know that swimming pool water is the cause of many diseases,
especially to the eyes.
Eyes after swimming
"I usually take my son to the pool at
least 3 times per week, in the afternoon. In the first few weeks, my son was
healthy, but last week, he had sore eyes after 2 days swimming. I was so afraid
that I let him at home to monitor, not go to pool or somewhere else

your eyes in swimming season
She also shared that her son’s eyes are not
only red but also frequently have rheum and water like discharge, very
uncomfortable. Moreover, he is myopic for several years, so it is harder to
look at everything. "Sometimes, no clear sight, he reflects to rub his
eyes. I have to stop because it makes his eyes sorer. If his eyes are not well
next few days, I will take him to the doctor".
Talking about swimming pool, a father said:
"My daughter likes swimming but next time I will have to think clearly
about which pool to take her to. In early summer, after few days swimming, she
was allergic and had skin rash. The most dangerous thing was itchy eyes, and
she always said "dust in my eyes". A few days later, her eyes
festered. The reason was probably dirty pool water. "
There are a lot of other parents had to be
afraid when their children had eye problems after a few times to the pool.
Although pool water is regularly replaced
and sterilized, it is still very dirty because swimmers carry bacteria into the
pool. Besides, some people are "innocent" to spit, blow their
noses... To minimize dirty pool, some place the rule "take a shower before
swimming in the pool"; however, not every people comply with it.

pool water is regularly replaced and sterilized, it is still very dirty because
swimmers carry bacteria into the pool.
Most swimming pools contain cleansers,
disinfectant... These substances along with the pollution of the pool cause
many diseases such as allergy, skin infection, diarrhea, and eye diseases...
Compared to other parts of the body, eyes are much more sensitive, and when
directly contacting water containing chemical and bacteria, eyes can hardly be against
infection. The symptoms are discomfort, pain eyes, burn, gritty sensation as
there is something in the eyes; at the end stage, eyes discharge.
Pool is also "an ideal place" of
the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis which cause syndesmitis. If this disease
lasts long, not treated in time, will easily cause visual disorder, leading to
Protect your eyes in swimming season
The most simple and easiest way to protect
your children’s eyes is to equip them with quality swimming glasses. This will
minimize the contact between eyes with bacteria and chemicals in pool water.

most simple and easiest way to protect your children’s eyes is to equip them
with quality swimming glasses.
After swimming, children need bathing to be
clean, especially for the eyes to prevent diseases caused by dirty pool water.
Moreover, parents also should prepare fruit, milk, snacks to help their
children regain strength and increase resistance. Parents can also supplement
eye-support product as eye tonic Goodeye delivered by MegaSun Corporation.
Another mom always reminds their children
to use Goodeye every day: "Besides swimming, my son also plays basketball
and badminton. Contacting pool water and sunlight, his eyes will be suffered
without Goodeye. This product not only helps eyes strong beautiful but also
avoids fatigue, stress".
With prominent and unique formula,
including vaccinium, lutein, compound of vitamins has antioxidant effects,
Goodeye became close friends with many parents and students in improving
eyesight, avoiding eye sore, tire eye, supporting post-operation; avoiding
stress, vertigo, dizziness…
Especially, with necessary nutrients for eyes
as Vaccinium Myrtillus, Lutein ... - substances that cannot be transformed from
food, Goodeye confidently brings healthy beautiful eyes to parents and students
in swimming season.