A research has shown that pressure can make
children fall into depression state and delay their height development.
The specialists found that the pressure can
make children fall into depression state and affect their growth. According to
specialists, to know whether children have height development or not, firstly,
it’s necessary to compare their height to the height of their friends that have
the same ages, same sex and nationality. If the difference of height is too
big, your children can have height retardation.

necessary to compare their height to the height of their friends that have the
same ages, same sex and nationality.
Secondarily, it can also be based on the
growth rate of teenager: children can get taller 5cm per year. When parents
find that children’s height growth is quite slow, they should make a track
record that can tell whether your children have height retardation or not.
According to health expert, there’re 2
types of factors causing effects on the development and height growth of
children. They are exogenous and endogenous factors. Although the genetic
matter is considered to be the most important one, we need to take notice on
other factors like nationality, stature, impacts of external signs or effects
of a genetic disease.
Lately, it’s been easy to see that the
environment has greatly affected the development of children’s height. Besides,
psychological factors are also the additional reasons of height development.
Though children’s height is greatly
affected by parents, it doesn’t mean that children have the same age of their
parents. That’s because whether they’re fully developed or not, the height also
depends on nutrition regimen and environment, psychological factors.

having a lower height than normal have 70% of them at the age of 3 keep up with
the general height number of same-aged children.
A newborn has only about 50cm. A part from
the impacts of genetic factors, the mother’s nutrition, womb’s environment and
placenta, all can affect the children’s height. Therefore, newborns having a
lower height than normal have 70% of them at the age of 3 keep up with the
general height number of same-aged children. The other 30% have the height
lower than general number.
How to stimulate children’s growth of height
Firstly, parents need to make your children
have full sleep to stimulate the regulate secretion of growth hormone. Hormone
secretes the most at night. For that reason, if children lack sleep or don’t
have stable bedtime, the height will be affected.
Secondarily, parents should encourage
children to do regulate exercise. It’d be better if the exercise happens
outside. Sunlight will stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D in the body,
improve calcium absorption and stimulate the bone development.

should encourage children to do regulate outdoor exercises.
Thirdly, ensure your children a balanced
nutrition regimen by preventing them from eating greasy foods that can lead to
overweight, early puberty, effects on the growth period and height development.
Fourthly, always preserve your children’s
happy and relaxing mood, avoid stress. As pressure can make children fall into
depression state that affects the growing, there’re many girls have early
puberty because of lacking maternal love or having sexual abuses.
Fifthly, prevent your children from
polluted environment, products that have estrogen and anti-estrogen substances
(such as cosmetics) that will affect the bone’s development of young children.
Finally, avoid using products that support
height mutation. To some children that have height mutations, parents need to
take them to doctors to have suitable intervention.