If parents have dark skin, their
children’s skin cannot become whiter than theirs.
In folk, people abstain not to drink coffee
because people that drinking coffee will make babies that are born have black
skin (similar to color of coffee). People that drink coffee with milk will give
birth with babies whose skin is brown, drinking coconut will make baby’s skin
white. Therefore, why don’t they drink flower of grapefruit so that babies will
have skin that is white and it has sweet-smelling? Why don’t they drink
strawberries to make their baby’s skin become “naturally pinky-white”?
In reality, little baby’s skin color is
similar to adult’s. Skin has dark color because of melanin inside skin. The
more melanin babies have, the more their skin become darker.
Europeans have
white color because they have less melanin cells, Africans have black color
because they have a lot of melanin cells. Stipulation about melanin cells
inside skin cell depends on genetic race.

skin has dark color because of melanin cells inside skin, not drinking coffee
of pregnant women.
This melanin cell is element that protects
skin from effect of ultraviolet under sunlight. Therefore, people that live in
tropical zones with baking sun will have more melanin cells than people that
live in temperate zones with less sunlight. For this reason, when we work in
room regularly and don’t contact with sunlight, our skin will become whiter
than people that work under sunlight. After a vacation of bathing in the sea
and staying out in the sun, our skin will become blacker because the amount of
melanin cells increases. When skin is mature, the amount of melanin cell is
less, so it will be whiter.
Babies that have just been born have white
skin and after that they become darker because of the above reason. This thing
means that is parents have dark color, their babies’ skin cannot be whiter than
theirs. Eating and drinking don’t affect color of skin. In other word,
pregnant women should be comfortable to use drinks that have color or not
without fearing that babies’ skin will change. At this time, using or not using
drinks because we care about effect of that drink to health. Therefore, what kind
of drink should pregnant women that don’t have disease drink to become healthy?
Do pregnant women need tonic?
Fe and calcium are 2 substances that most
of women’s body needs a lot in pregnancy. Foods contain a lot of these
substances, for example, milk contains a lot of calcium, kinds of grain also
contain calcium, but not much. Kinds of red meat and green vegetable contain a
lot of Fe. The darker the color of green vegetables, the more Fe they have.
However, not all people have condition to have a diet that contains enough
nutrients. Choosing, preserving and processing these foods can make these
minerals reduce. In addition, in pregnancy, people advise pregnant women to use
tonics that contain these 2 minerals because absorption of each person is

and products from milk contain a lot of calcium and Fe.
Fe tablets also provide folic acid – an
element that contributes to creating blood. People advise pregnant women to use
this kind of tablet because the rate of women lacking Fe and Blood is very
high. Lacking will make many women have risk of hemorrhage after giving birth.
They also lack blood during and after being pregnant. As a result, their
children will lack Fe (they only receive from their mothers in pregnancy.
In 6
months of being breast-fed or bottle fed, they only receive less Fe from
mother’s milk or powered milk). Mothers should drink additional Fe tablets
during pregnancy.
If you take this kind of tablet, it doesn’t lead to the state
of having redundant Fe. However, redundant Fe will be eliminated through digestion
and it also causes some problems such as very thick and black excrement,
constipation, stung stomach and you will spend money.
To calcium, the best
method to provide is drinking milk. However, not all people have habit of
drinking milk and can drink milk. In this case, tablets that provide calcium is
the good method to help both mother and baby have enough calcium. Providing not
enough calcium will make babies lack in calcium. Children’s height will form an
important part in fetus period. If children lack calcium, it will affect their
height and reserving calcium – quantity of bone in the future. Mothers will
take part that is reserved for children if they lack calcium. As a result, it
leads to state of lacking in reserved calcium. Therefore, it will make state of
lacking bone and osteoporosis of mothers earlier and more serious.
Many people
think that drinking calcium a lot will be harmful to body. In reality,
redundant calcium will be eliminated through urine and excrement. Kidney stone
only forms on some special bodies. It doesn’t mean that redundant calcium will
create kidney stone. Choosing kinds of calcium that have good absorption,
drinking a lot of water, exercising, urinating regularly, curing urinating
infection well will reduce the rate of accumulation of calcium and creating

pregnancy, people advise pregnant women to use tonics that contain minerals:
Fe, calcium, and kinds of multi-vitamin tonic.
Kinds of multi-vitamin tonic can also be
used because they contain many necessary kinds of vitamin as well as essential
minerals, including Fe and calcium that aren’t equal to daily demand of people.
Only healthy pregnant women and women that have enough necessary substances and
are provided more with medicines can take multi-vitamin tonics.