From the 5-6 months of pregnancy, womb will
begin bigger. It blocks bladder, and as a result, pregnant women want to
urinate many times. They have to wake up in middle of night to urinate, and
therefore, they don’t want to drink water at night or when they work because of
inconvenience. This is bad thing that needs to be improved.
Pregnant women
should drink 2 liters of water in day and drink regularly every day. With kinds
of soft drink, there isn’t difference between drink of pregnant women and
normal women that want to keep health good. In pregnancy, you can use
carbonated soft drinks, but they should also limit because sugar can cause
obesity, especially when they have diabetes in pregnancy. Carbonate can cause
indigestion; however, it makes pregnant women that feel uncomfortable can belch
and feel comfortable when they drink a cup of this drink.
Some kinds containing
caffeine can cause stimulation, so pregnant women should avoid drinking it in
the late evening because it can affect sleep. Women that are addicted coffee
can drink it in pregnancy. However, mothers can also reduce dose to avoid
stimulating and losing sleep.

women should drink 2 liters of water in day and drink regularly every day.
Pregnant women should stop drinking wine
and substances containing alcohol and limit them in pregnancy.
In theory, wine
syndrome to children includes unusual things in organs, unusual thing in
developing exercising nerve of mothers that are addicted wine and it can lead
to miscarriage and light weight. Although pregnant women use little or a lot
and it doesn’t affect fetus seriously, they should also limit to drink wine.
Sometimes, when you go to the party, you can drink a little of beer and it
won’t be too serious; however, pregnant women that have high blood pressure or
heart disease. Ancient families have habit of keeping a pot of violet Glutinous
rice for pregnant women to drink in pregnancy and after giving birth.
can drink a little every day to stimulate eating, drinking and make mothers
warm. However, if there is the way to process food that is suitable with taste,
has enough nutrients, ensure pregnant women to have enough health and not lose
strength after giving birth, you won’t spend time keeping wine. Although
pregnant women can drink a little of wine every day and it will be good for
pregnancy, this thing has bad effect on mature children; especially, it can
also increase the feeling of craving for wine of fathers.

women should stop drinking wine and substances containing alcohol and limit
them in pregnancy.
Drinking pregnant milk can be unnecessary
Women should drink all kinds of milk and it
isn’t compulsory to drink pregnant milk. You can use sweeten condensed milk or
soya milk whose content of calcium is a half of animal milk. And this kind of
milk is used if mothers eat a vegetarian meal. Pregnant milk is better because
it contains higher content of calcium and energy. In addition, the amount of
sugar is less, so pregnant women can avoid obesity. With a glass of pregnant
milk, its energy and calcium is half as much or double a normal glass of milk.
And of course, its price is different. Mothers should drink milk early and
avoid until fetus becomes big. At this time, mothers can lose an amount of
reserving calcium for children. As a result, they will lose strength more.

women can drink soya milk or other kinds of milk and it isn’t compulsory to
drink pregnant women.