It’s unpleasant when you feel that
you do not remember anything. How to overcome this state?
Many old people often complain that they
are forgetful. They worry that this state will lead to their memory will reduce
and then it will lead to loss of memory and intelligence will decline. This
thing can take place, but we can completely prevent it if we try to improve.

old people often worry about their forgetful state.
Reducing memory accompanies with old age is
mainly reducing memory in work. It includes forgetfulness, reducing
concentrating ability and reducing the ability about keeping thought in a long
time. The reason is that quantity of brain cells and quality of
neurotransmitter reduce. When we are 20 years old, they begin to reduce. And
when we grow older, they will reduce more. It takes you a of of time to
remember your friend’s name, forget a thing that you are going to do, find and
not see thing that you have just put, not remember that you dis that thing or
not, forget customer’s name that you met yesterday…. but you can remember at
another time. It’s unpleasant with forgetful feeling.
Your relatives will consider that you are
idle, slow. Some people look at one page and remember all of the things on it
eternally and they will never forget and even with small details. People that
have such memory are extremely rare. Most cases have to base on methods about
assisting memory. The good news is that all of the people can improve their
memory. We can gain the ability to remember a big mass of information due to
practicing and patient determination.
The following directions will help you gain
the above results. You can maintain a lucid memory due to 9 following
Practice brain
The way for practicing is always studying
new skill such as:
Play musical accessory, play with crossword,
study foreign language or favorite subjects
Create new pleasures such as planting tree,
riding bicycle, drawing picture, arranging flowers…
Volunteer to do social activities
Read book, newspaper, watch TV, follow news of
world and country

book, newspaper...will help practice your brain.
Do exercise regularly
Doing exercise will make blood circulate to
brain better and it also makes aging process of senses slow. It also makes
senses receive faster and helps brain keep information longer. Doing exercise
regularly with 30 minutes every day will help prevent stress and diseases that
cause memory reducing.
Build up healthy eating and drinking habit
You should eat green and eat cleanly. You
should apply diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits. They are foods that have
a lot of oxidants to protect brain cells. You should limit fat and avoid
staying up late.
Don’t drink wine
People that are addicted to alcohol in a
long time will be damaged about brain because of lacking in nutrients. They
have high risk of reducing memory and declination about intelligence.
Prevent stress
When you are stressed, your brain will
release endocrines that can make brain damage. If you are stressed in a long
time, it can make you worry and have depression. This is a disease that often
causes reducing of memory. You should take a rest in some minutes if you
realize that you are stressed, breathe deeply and relax. If your stress lasts
in a long time, you should simplify life, arrange work and give particular and
suitable purpose for every day and you can even eliminate work.
Protect your head
Trauma in head can cause congestion in
brain and it can increase the risk about development of Alzheimer. You should
protect your head when you play football, especially you must wear helmet when
you drive motorbike.

must wear helmet when you drive motorbike.
Stop smoking cigarette
If you continue smoking cigarette, your
name will be added to list of people that have loss of memory. People that
smoke cigarette have the risk of catching Alzheimer higher than twice that
don’t smoke with twice. You should stop smoking cigarette.

should stop smoking cigarette.
Arrange work scientifically
You should practice habit of arranging work
scientifically so that you can concentrate better when you receive new
information. You can try the following methods:
Individual tools such as glasses, key are needed
in the correct place in house.
Use means to remind such as book for
appointment, cellphone set up with reminding mode, cellphone has sections that
are easy to look up.
List particular work and the total number of
work that is needed to do and after that you should write on memorizing book.
9. Reinforce concentration
When you have good concentration and you
practice helping concentration become habit, memory will come back with you.
Method for practicing includes 4 steps: Observe - Associate – Study silently –
Recall. For example, when you put key, you should observe movement that you do,
observe position of key on table and associate key with a tool that is easy to
remember and that tool is on table such as flower vase, lamp… In addition, you
can read many times that “key is near to flower pot”. Hence, when you want to
look for key, tools that you observed will appear in your head, statement that
you read silently and finally they will combine with key that you are looking