The first 3 months are the time that needs
to be paid attention in pregnancy.
When you surely know that you become
pregnant in the 5-6th weeks of pregnancy (after being checked by
obstetrician). After the happy minutes, you need to make a careful plan for
eating, drinking and taking care of your health. In the first 3 months,
pregnant women need to pay attention to eating, drinking and exercising to
prevent fetal derangement and miscarriage. Mothers need to pay attention that
there are a lot of knowledge that they must care in the first 3 months.

you begin to become pregnant, you need to make a careful plan for eating,
drinking and taking care of health.
What is taking place?
The first 3 months are stipulated from the
1st to 12th weeks of pregnancy. Mothers need to pay
attention that pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the final
menstruation. This thing means that when you test pregnancy, your baby is
concluded to be 4 weeks. However, in reality, your baby is just 2 weeks old.
The first 3 months are the wonderful growing journey of fetus.
After becoming pregnant, fertilized ovum
will build nest in your uterus. A single cell will quickly multiple into many
specialized cells and until the 6th week of pregnancy, embryo’s size
will be similar to a pea. Since then, the small heart will have the first
In the next weeks, fetus will develop
quickly and from the 3th month of pregnancy, organs of fetus begin
to form. At this time, fetus’s size is similar to an apple. In the 3th
month of pregnancy, you can listen to the heart rate of fetus through
specialized stethoscope.
How does pregnant women’s body change?
This time is as tired as the last months of
pregnancy. You seem to be lazy and you want to lie at one place to take a rest.
This thing is completely normal. At this time, your body is producing more
blood to provide placenta.
In addition, the increasing of hormone also
affects pregnant women’s feeling. You can feel hungry anytime and you don’t
feel delicious with the dishes that you used to like. You can feel headache,
dizzy or simply tired a lot. Many pregnant women have allergy with all strange
smells. Moreover, in pregnancy, the size of women’s uterus will increase
remarkably. This thing will make you have the feeling of urinating. Mothers
need to remember that all symptoms are normal and they will reduce gradually
when you enter to the second quarter.
Test pregnancy in the first 3 months
After testing pregnancy with 2 lines on
stick, mothers need to go to the hospital or prestigiously obstetrical clinic
to test pregnancy. In this time of checking pregnancy, doctor will ask you
about the prehistory of your family, your prehistory of catching disease. In
this time, doctor also let you know about the day that you will give birth due
to the first day of the final menstruation. You can be tested about blood
pressure, urine and blood if you have the risk of catching some disease. In the
first 3 months, you need to test pregnancy periodically due to doctor’s
Small important secrets to help the first 3 months healthy
The first 3 months are the extremely
important time for fetus to develop. Therefore, the first thing that you need
to do is setting up a scientific diet and balancing nutrients. To reduce the
feeling of nauseating, you should divide into many small meals in day. Pregnant
women should give up cigarette, wine, beer and carbonated drinks.

women need to set up a scientific diet and balance nutrients.
Doing exercise is extremely important thing
in pregnancy. You can refer to doctor’s advice to choose the most suitable

exercise is extremely important thing in pregnancy.
In the first 3 months, you will feel tired,
so you should spend a lot of time to take a rest and sleep about 8 hours/day.
The good news for mothers is the feeling of morning sickness and tiredness will
disappear after the first 3 months. Therefore, you should think optimistically
and keep health good.